Tankman John & Pico w/ Sensitive S/O

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Ask: Can I ask for Tankman, and Pico with a sensitive s/o who's feelings can get hurt easily? ^_^


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Tankman John w/ Sensitive S/O

- He really doesn't like how sometimes even he makes you upset

- Usually over a poorly made joke

- Though if someone else makes you upset he gets angry

- "Ok, what'd they say?"
"That I was stupid."
"Alrighty then, time to push someone down the stairs."

"John! That's a bit far don't you think?"
"Out a window?"
"I could just shoot them-"
"No violence please!"
"Can't I at least punch them in the face?"
"That sounds way tamer."
"Time to try out some brass knuckles."


- He might just be taking it overboard, but he really doesn't like seeing you upset

- He's not so good at comforting you verbally, but he'll try his best

- "You know that everything they say is lies. I don't know why you listen to them and let yourself get upset about what they say about you."
"It's just really hard to control my emotions."
"That's understandable, you want to just stay in bed for a while?"


Pico w/ Sensitive S/O

- He can manage it pretty well, it makes him feel like he's doing things right when he comforts you

- But terrible if he's the one who hurt your feelings

- "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel that way."
"It's fine, don't worry about it. I don't really think it's completely your fault, I can't seem to control my own emotions most days."
"Ah, I can sort of understand that. When put in certain situations I go right for my gun as a solution instead of thinking things through."

- Anyone that makes you upset gets only one warning

- After that he's putting them in the hospital with bullet holes

- Due to his own issues, you might up just have to stay in bed comforting each other

- "Long day Pico?"
"Yeah. Darnell and I had a job, took a while to complete."
"You feeling ok?"
"I feel drained, if that's "ok", then yes."
"Just stay in bed for a while and rest. I'm not going anywhere."
"Trust me, I wasn't planning on moving."

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