Long Time Running For A Reunion (Tabi x reader)

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ASK: If you're still taking those prompts, how about Tabi or Witty with an S/O who they haven't seen in a long time, and last they saw them, they were a lot shorter then them, but when reuniting again S/O had somehow grown taller then them!


AWE so CUTE! Heimko welcome to my blog! I'll have to choose Tabi, he needs some cute romance stories.


Long Time Running For A Reunion (Tabi x reader)

- The first time he met you was in high school

- By the time your first class together was over, you two were practically best friends

- You were shorter than him, by at least a foot at the time

- You were friends for the longest time, up to senior year

- You had to leave the first time with your family, some overseas trip

- It was only supposed to be for a few months, but ended up lasting for the rest of your high school life and into your college life

- You two talked constantly though, usually over the phone

- When he told you he had got a girlfriend, you were happy to him

- Sure, it made you a little upset that she took up most of his time

- But he was happy, and that's what was most important to you

- "I'm so happy for you and GF, Tabi." "Thank you Y/N. Everything has been going good as of late. My career has really been skyrocketing! isn't it great?" "Yeah, I always knew you'd make it." "Thank you for always believing in me Y/N. Oh, hey I got to go. Let's talk soon ok?" "Alright, keep me updated." "Will do! Bye!" *click*

- You went to see them before the event that would initially destroy him

- He had seemed so happy, and made sure to show you around the studio he did most of his recording in

- It was a short visit, but you had a lot of pictures to show for it

- "You have to go so soon? Can't you stay a day or two longer Y/N?" "I have a few things to get settled overseas before I can come back here permanently." "You'll still come back though right? So we can be close again like before?" "Definitely."

- That was the last time you heard from him for over a year

- You were literally thinking that he was dead by the time he contacted you again

- "WTF TABI?! I thought you were dead! What happened to staying close?!" "Y/N.-" "Literally, what happened to-" "Y/N! IT WASN"T MY DESICION!" "What?"

- When he explained what happened with GF you almost dropped the phone

- "Are you ok?" "...Not really." "I'm coming to see you." "What? No, Y/N, she knows-" "I don't care. I'm coming to see you as soon as possible."

- He tried to argue with you on several different occasions while you were saving up money to see him

- He dropped silent when you confessed to him

- He knew every way that this could go wrong, but right now, he just needed his best friend near him

- By the time you actually got enough money saved up to make permanent residence in Japan, you two had already been dating for a year long distance

- He waited for you at the airport for at least an hour

- "Miss me?" "OH JESUS!"

- You still ended up sneaking up on him

- "Y/N! Don't do that!" "Sorry, I couldn't help it. You can't stay mad at me can you?" "No..." "You've changed a lot." "So have you, how'd you get taller than me?!" "The growth spurt finally kicked in after I saw you last." "I missed you." "Well I'm here to stay, now, you gonna show me around?" "Yeah, come on, let's go home first." "Heh. I always knew this was my home." "I guess it was just a long time running right?" "Yeah."

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