Domestic Headcanons (Tabi) & (Agoti)

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Ask: Hey (redacted), hope everything's going well for you

Will it be possible to do domestic head cannons/ after moving in together head cannons with agoti and tabi. (I know I request them two a lot they're literally the 🐐) If you're not comfortable with it then that's totally fine

~Tank anon


Hey again Tank Anon! I'm ok at the moment, thanks for checking it. They are both cool characters so I have to agree with you.


Domestic Headcanons (Tabi)

- "Well that's the last of it. Everything has been brought in at least."
"We still have to unpack it again."
"I know,.....I have no idea where to put half of this stuff Tabi."
"Don't worry too much about it, we'll find a spot for it all. It's not like the apartment had much in it before anyways."
"Well hopefully the stuff I brought in doesn't end up bothering you."
"Y/N, I doubt stuffed animals and manga is going to bother me."

"It' calm here."
"That's why I'm here, I can't handle all the commotion in the city."
"It's nice to finally be home."
"It finally feels like home to me myself."
"Because of me?"
"Yeah, I just feel at peace with you around."
"Well, welcome home Tabi."

- He was actually the one who wanted you to move in with him

- Tabi ends sleeping in late a lot, to the point where you have wake him up yourself

- "Y/N....please turn the alarm clock off."
"I'm sorry! I didn't even know it was on. I thought I turned it off yesterday."
"It's fine...zzzz..."
"Well, I'm fully awake...I guess I'm going have to get up..."

"Hm? Что тут происходит..?"
"It's noon, time to get up."
"Ugh, can't I have five more minutes?"
"You said that an hour ago."
"Alright...I'm up."

- You created a chores checklist, Tabi seems to always pick the most time consuming tasks

- He's a lot calmer knowing that you'll always been close enough for him to reach out to, 'she can't do anything to you now'

- He had first worried about what would happen, but he's found that living with you is helping him with his separation anxiety

- The fact that you can hear how often he actually talks in Russian is surprising, especially when he's cursing over the phone


Domestic Headcanons (Agoti)

- "Was that the last of it?" 
"Yeah, it's all in finally."
"I have no idea where you got all that stuff from Y/N."
"Life has brought me many opportunities to spend my money on things I wanted."
"Well, take a load off, we have all the time in the world to unpack all of that. You made sure that you have the week off right?"
"Yeah. I didn't want to be running around to find everything at last minute after all."
"Welcome home Y/N."

- You probably asked to move in with him honestly, it would take him a really long time before he would be the one to ask

- Agoti either is a morning person, or just doesn't get a lot of sleep, since he's always awake before you

- " even get any sleep?"
"Yeah, I got plenty. Why?"
"You're always awake before me."
"You move around a lot in your sleep Y/N. While I'm not exactly a light sleeper, it still wakes me up."
"Ah...Sorry there."
"It's fine, I know that you can't really control that unless you're awake."

- You two take turns with the chores

- He actually seems a lot happier since you moved in, others have noticed too

- He's happy to be able to share this part of his life with you

- You have more opportunities to listen to his music as he's making it now, and he seems eager to share

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