Sarvente w/ S/O That's Always Tired

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Ask: hey hey!! can i request sarvente with an s/o who seems just constantly tired?? -💫 anon


Ah another female character. NIOCE. I can relate to this reader. Also you are one ask away from becoming a regular on my page.


Sarvente w/ S/O That's Always Tired

- Sarvente being an outwardly friendly individual would try to help you in any way she could to cure you

- She tried to get you to bed earlier first

- Then medication

- She even had you join her to church for prayer

- Had an exorcism performed on you

- "Ok, so it's not a demon." "Yeah....I get that....Are you sure anything is going to help? I feel so sluggish it's just ugh." "I'm going to try everything to help you hon."

- Her biggest worries are you would crash your car due to your slower reflexes

- She will have Ruv carry you when you're too tired to stand or move around

- He doesn't really mind, he likes you enough to help

- She only tries a few things per week to keep you from feeling any worse

- Monitors your sleep schedule

- Doesn't force you to stay awake if it'll cause you pain

- "Is this how you two feel all the time?" "Hm?" "Tired?" "I honestly feel tired of people." "Ruv! That's mean, you can't being saying things like that!" "It's just the truth." "I don't mind Sarvente, I appreciate his honesty."

- There is going to be a point where she'll have to take you to the hospital for testing

- She just can't watch you suffer

- If it's due to a condition that has been improperly treated, she and Ruv will make sure you take your new meds on time

- If it's due to a condition such as anemia, she'll buy you iron and D3 supplements to help build your energy levels

- If they can't find anything wrong with you, she insist they check again

- She'll do anything to help you

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