Ruv & Sarvente & Whitty w/ S/O w/ Sleeping Problems

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ASK: *Heavy breathing as I finally appear in your inbox like a wild Pokemon* I FOUND OUT ABOUT YOU THE DAY AFTER YOUR REQUESTS HAVE CLOSED, I HAVE LITERALLY WAITED FOR THIS DAY AND I'M SO HAPPY- OKAY UMM HI I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A GOOD DAY/NIGHT, I LOVE YOUR WRITING, YOU'RE AN AMAZING PERSON! Me towards your writing: ♥️♥️💗💗💓💖 Also can I request Sarvente, Ruv, and Whitty with an S/o who has trouble sleeping, like up at 3 kinda? With a bunch of fluff?


Ah so you have something for the church goers and bomb boy from FNF? How wholesome! Also hiyah! What's with all the caps? So scaryyyy! I'm just a hooman too yah know! Thanks for liking my writing enough to tell me! I appreciate it much! As per usual since you requested more than one character, these will be on the shorter side. Hope you don't mind!


Ruv w/ S/O w/ Sleeping Problems

- Ruv has issues sleeping most night too

- He'll stay up with you just talking about random things before turning on the sound machine that Sarvente bought for him

- It usually knocks the two of you out pretty fast

- But if it malfunctions, he just tries rubbing circles into your back

- But then he stays up the rest of the night until he eventually passes out


Sarvente w/ S/O w/ Sleeping Problems

- Has no sleeping problems

- If you don't tell her, then she won't know

- Feel free to wake her up, she'll be happy to sing you sleep

- Cuddles up to you in effort to calm you down too

- Has an incense machine and usually has lavender burning


Whity w/ S/O w/ Sleeping Problems

- Can't sleep a lot of the time due to paranoia

- Awkward conversations and inside jokes are created

- He tried singing you to sleep once, his voice cracked

- He now opts to giving you earbuds and playing a "rain playlist", they basically play sounds of storms, which can be extremely relaxing

- He also hugs you close to him, he tried his best

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