Tankman John & Pico w/ Biblical Angel S/O

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Ask: Hello there? could you please write headcanons for pico and tankman (separately, please!) with an s/o who frequently disguises themself as human, but is actually this giant-lovecraftian-angel-thing with a buncha eyes?

im new here, may i go by angel anon? (if its already taken, how about &-anon?)


Heya Angel Anon! When I searched up "Lovecraftian Angel" the images depict it being either made up of wings with a single eye in the dead center, or as a set of intertwined rings with several eyes with a soul fire in the dead center. Both are equally terrifying.


Tankman John w/ Biblical Angel S/O

- He fell for the disguise but had a very uneasy feeling when around you

- He chopped that up to be just being nervous when he caught feels

- When you transformed in front of him (your last resort for escape) he was dead silent

- The entire field of enemy agents was thrown into a panic at the sight of you, causing a retreat on both sides

- He was one of the only ones left behind along with Steve and a few others, some with their guns drawn and aimed at you

- "What even are you?"
"A messenger for God."
"They're an angel, John."
"What are your orders Captain?"
"Stand down, go back to base."

- If he didn't believe in god before this, he does now, not that it changes much for his mission

- "He has forgiven you several times John."
  "What was my existence for Y/N?"
 "To lead, inspire, and create."
 "And the others?"
 "I cannot say."
"I know this may feel like betrayal on my part, I was going to tell you. Believe me I was going to." "I really don't know what you expect me to say Y/N."
"How you feel?"
"I feel....nothing. That power of yours seems to have an uncomfortably calming effect."

- Doesn't ask you to aid him in battle, but you do on occasion as a last resort to end wars


Pico w/ Biblical Angel S/O

- Knew you weren't human the first time you two met, he didn't know why though as you appeared to be a normal person

- That uneasy feeling you emit makes him feel off balance (metaphorically)

- "Y/N."
"Yes dear?"
"I know you aren't human."
"How did you...?"
  "....So that feeling I have isn't just instincts kicking in."
 "It's the holy light."
"You're an angel then?"
"Show me your true form."
"I don't think that's a good idea-"
"Y/N, please just do it."
"Fine, but don't blame me for the nightmares."
"What are you talking-....."?"

- He wasn't exactly afraid of you. If anything, he was just in shock

- "That's what real angels look like?"
"Your kind seems to like to depict us differently most days, I find it rather sad."
"What I've been taught has been wrong."
"Not true, we have our rings, wings, and our soul. You've been told that."
"But we're told that those rings are golden and hover above an angel's head, and that-" "It's still true that we can be seen like that. You were not exactly lied to."

- Questions your powers all the time

- Asks about God, as well as questions his lack of faith

- "I know what you were wanting to ask Pico, and he has forgiven you for your bloodshed. You should feel no shame for being you."
"Really he spared you half of the trauma you would've had if my kind had not stepped in."
"But, I never saw..."
"We are invisible to those who don't need to see us."
"I don't...I..."
"You don't have to understand. Just know he loves you. As he does for your friends."
"Y/N, why are you telling me this?"
"I am a messenger, I delivered his message. And, because, you need to know you aren't a monster."

- If Nene finds out? Let's not think too much about that.

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