Kapi Seeing S/O Do Beethoven Freestyle

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Ask: K,,,Kapi seeing his S/O do the Beathoven freestyle? 🩹


Hey Band-aid anon! Nice to see yah again! Now that I've seen the mod to full, and read the wiki, I should be able to complete this.


Kapi Seeing S/O Do Beethoven Freestyle

- Kapi is a little mad at first that you used his dance pad without asking first

- But that fades fast when he realizes that you're rapping his song

- And freestyle no less

- Against some "upcoming" wannabe rapper

- He's impressed, but not as impressed as he'd be to see you do Nyaw

- He's proud to see you didn't miss a single beat

- And that your opponent was losing terribly

- Kapi would be the one to jump on the boombox this time (replacement to GF)

- Seems like you didn't notice him until the battle was over

- And you almost choked when you finally did

- "Ah were you watching...the entire time?"
"Sure was, it's interesting how you were using my song against them."
"Ah, sorry-"
"And using my dance pad."
"Yeah, I'm sorry Kapi should've asked first."
"True, but I'll let it slide since you pulled off my song flawlessly."

- As long as you ask next time, he doesn't mind you using his songs or dance pad to put cocky rappers in their place

- Will stop you from freestyling against BF

- "What I try to get with her one time so you have to try to crush my girl? Nah we're out of here, come on Y/N."
"No buts! This guy is way too powerful for either of us."
"Can we not duet?"
"That won't affect him Y/N."

- He encourages you to keep using the dance pad and to freestyle his harder songs

- Will keep you from hurting yourself trying though

- "Y/N! Take it easy, you don't have to get it right on the first try!"
"I just want to be able to do it like you Kapi.."
"It takes practice to rap and use the dance pad at the same time. Take a rest before you pass out k?"

- Overall proud to have someone to match his pace, makes him forget some of his issues

- Upcoming Power-couple much?

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