Starlight (5)

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Before slashing at her with my daggers, I infused [Dark Arts: Curse Inducement] into my blade, giving her the [Bleeding Curse] and [Binding].

The bleeding curse was rapidly draining her stamina and causing her blood loss, while the binding was keeping her bound in place.

"I haven't used that in a while, so this should be entertaining." As I watched Rae struggle to get out, I had a thought.

I used my nail to slice a small cut on my finger, causing a small droplet of blood to emerge on the tip of my finger before flinging it into one of Rae's wounds, where it mixed with her blood.

[Activating: Blood Marionette]

As I felt a connection with Rae, the wound on my finger quickly closed, indicating that I now had complete control over her, as if she were a puppet.

I canceled [Binding] as she dashed towards me as soon as she was released, but as soon as she was inches away from me, she came to a halt, unable to move an inch.

"What you can't move forward anymore?" As her face flushed with humiliation, I mocked her.

"What did you do to me?" Rae inquired, her face flushed and her eyes filled with anxiety.

"I just transformed you into my puppet." With a cold expression on my face, I said.

"How?" With a surprised expression on her face, Rae inquired.

"That doesn't matter now, let's finish this nice and slowly so you can experience it." I said as a sadistic grin appeared on my face.

"That look on your face tells me this is going to be excruciatingly painful." As she stared at Lily, Rae thought.

I cancelled the bleeding curse since it had served its purpose, and I started healing all of her wounds so she wouldn't die before I could get started.

"Let's have you peel your skin off layer by layer, very slowly, so you can experience it." I said as a sadistic grin crept across my face.

"No don..." Rae screamed, but was interrupted by me.

"Don't speak." I ordered as she tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth.

She started peeling off the first layer of skin gently, which caused agony in her eyes, but she couldn't do anything except watch in terror as she peeled away her skin.

"Auughh!." She screamed in terror as her hands kept peeling away at her skin.

"2nd layer, Auughhh!".
"3rd layer, Auughhhh!".
"5th layer, Auughhhhhh!!."
"7th layer, Auughhhhhhhh!!!"

As blood flowed out of her like a waterfall, she had no skin, muscle, or tendons left, but I began repairing her so she wouldn't die so soon.

Once she was healed enough, that she wouldn't die, I said "You can speak now."

"J-just kill me already, I don't want to go through that hell again." Rae exclaimed, her mind broken by the feeling of peeling away one layer of skin at a time by herself.

"As a werewolf mother, I imagined you had a strong will, but you're already broken. That was quick and disappointing, but since you're apart of this dungeon, you'll be respawned with the dungeon reset once all the monsters have been wiped away, so I guess I'll kill you since I can come back and do it again at any time." I replied with a smile.

"Thanks." Rae said as she extended her neck, so she could be killed easily.

"Never said I would do it fast though." I muttered loud enough so she could hear.

I pressed my hand against her back as I initiated [Destabilization] and utilized Omni Distortion to slowly warp 30 sections of her body in different directions, causing her to feel her body being slowly ripped apart.

Kasumi, on the other hand, wasn't simply watching; she was dealing with Rue, thanks to her [Soul Reading] ability, which allowed her to examine the nature of one's soul, as well as its flaws, and to read the soul to discern attributes, personality, feelings, and memories.

"With Lily fighting Rae, I can focus on looking through Rue's memories to figure out who is the culprit." Kasumi smiled as she pondered.

Kasumi used gravity and plant magic to bind Rue in place as she placed her palms on her head before closing her eyes to read her memories.

(Rue's Memories)

My name is Rue, but I go by Ripper because Rue was a girly name that I was ashamed to be called.

I was a small and scrawny man, standing at 157.48cm (5ft 2), with short black hair and green eyes, dressed in a dirty white tank top and plain brown shorts, but I was sometimes mistaken for a girl because of my appearance and name.

I was bored and laid in a hammock hung by two boulders within the Brass Coyotes Gang, playing with magic.

A man strolled into my room and said "The boss got a commission, so we need to round up some men and go kidnap these two beauties." With a seductive grin on his face.

"Whose commission was it?" As I rose from my hammock, I inquired.

"The commission came from the Takao Family's young master." With a pleased grin on his face, the man stated.

"So he's still after women, but that's fortunate for us since we get more income from him than the others." I exclaimed, my eyes beaming.

Kasumi skimmed ahead in his memories since the next few events provided no useful information.

When she noticed the gang members who were about to kidnap the two beauties gathered, she replayed it again and counted the numbers before skimming through more unnecessary events.

She noticed how they followed them, which she assumed was the party that had been following Kasumi and Lily as they traveled to Starlight Dungeon and entered the dungeon shortly after us and spawned within the forest.

They fought several monsters before Rue was bitten and snatched by a werewolf, which Kasumi assumed was Rae the mother werewolf.

Rue's change began after he screamed, and we arrived a few minutes after the scream, just as his transformation into a woman was about to be completed.

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