5. Shambles

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Today has me in shambles

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Today has me in shambles. Every since taking this job Thursday night, I have been fairly calm until today. Even though it is was honestly some of the craziest catering food we have made.

Nothing matches or really goes together. Then to add on the extra humor to the entire meal us ladies threw together the largest salad ever once the meats were done just a short time ago.

"I brought dresses for the three of us." Valan suddenly jumps from the chair.

"Jezus, Val." Naida moves a hand to her chest.

Thank someone Naida nor I was holding our cups of coffee. We would have to shower for a second time before dressing. Because nobody wants to wear coffee as a fashion for such the event that we will be working.

Valan gives a small smile before bounding out to her car.

"How nervous are you for working such a high end job? This has to be the largest we have done." Naida takes a sip of her coffee, looking over to me.

"It is definitely the biggest. We have done large and got a good name for us but this is different. I think I am more nervous because it is so large and the list doesn't make sense for the food. I would have thought it would be more extravagent and upscale wanting things to corrdant together when I heard elegant. So I think more on the lines of will everything be as expected or not."

"Stop worrying, it will." Valan comes back in the door having heard it.

"There is a lot of different people that will be there. So the owner prefers to have a variety to where everyone will hopefully be satisfied. Plus, it is a sure way to make sure if someone has allergies they can still have something available." Valan shrugs.

"Did you get all of that from Laken?" Naida looks to Valan's hands, where she holds three dress bags.

"Not all of it no. See the thing is Laken isn't the only one friends with the owner, I am also. I have spoke with the owner personally over this." Valan gives a small smile. "I have known the owner as long as I have known Laken. So a couple of years before I met you and hit if off then met you."

Valan points to me and then to Naida. We both nod and smile at her.

"Guess there is still things we don't know about each other. Even being friends for a several years now." I laugh.

"There is quite a bit, but it is nice with our friendship the three of us have. We get along so easily and if asked just honest about it." Valan laughs.

"Hey ladies. About ready for me to start loading up the van, sis?" Kelvin walks in from the door.

"Give us about fifteen minutes to get the dresses on." I smile at him and get up from the table to rinse my cup out, with Naida following suit.

"Make it at least twenty Kelvin. We also have to put on makeup." Valan smirks.

I shake my head slightly. About all I normally do is some eye stuff because the last thing I want is to put on the entire works and then have sweat lines or it just run off completely, due to working. Plus thankfully, my natural skin tone helps to where I am not so flushed out.

Naida and I follow Valan into my bedroom. There has been so many times we have dressed in front of each other it really doesn't bother us, besides we are at least in bra and panties.

Valan hands a bag to the both of us. "I raided my closest last night late. I know you had spoke about wearing one of the Scenix dresses but I know you don't have this one." Valan smiles.


"Then for you, Naida, that one just spoke and will compliment you perfectly." Valan squeals in excitement.

"Thank you."

"It really helps when we are all right at the same size in clothing. Other than some rack differences, but that is the beauty of the deigns Scenix does. It gives more or less room for the top and it never makes it look out of place." Valan gleams.

We get into the dresses and I look at what all we are wearing. Valan has on a red number that hugs her like a second skin. but stops at her knees. Naida's dress is identical but in a navy blue. Both dresses have a small short sleeve to them, while keeping the neckline modest which works out great since with us working we don't have time to worry about flashing people when bending overly slightly.

My dress is so dark it looks black, but has straps to hold it up and comes midway of my chest before it hugs to my skin. The material seems to have a slightly glisten effect in the light depending on how it catches.

The three of us work in silence sharing the large vanity mirror I have in the room to do our makeup. I figure I can go a little bold and do a dark eye shadow to where it matches the dress. Also helps to make my eyes pop even more.

By the time we are done and slipping on a short pair of heels, Kelvin has the van loaded up with all the food. I look over the large box before he takes it out last. Have to make sure all the culinary things are there for serving along with the fancy dish platters to serve the food on with our section.

"I done made sure the trays are in the van also in their clean bags." Kelvin winks.

"Thanks Bub, are you doing that tonight or will we share that area?" I ask him, closing the door of the van.

"I will tend to the food trays, carrying them around." He nods.

"Lifesaver considering, I didn't think I could get away with wearing my flats to walk around in. The three of us women will tend to the tables with replacing food that is taking off the platters and helping to serve at the table." I smile.

Kelvin and Naida get into the van, while I jump in Valan's car with her. We set off to the events location.

"Here we are." Valan gleams when she parks the car in the garage.

"This building looks huge." I had glanced when she was pulling in.

"It is pretty good size. We are in the closest enterance being the catering crew. It was set up for us that way to make it easier for us to get everything inside." Valan nods.

We get out and Valan makes a call as we each pull an item out of the van. Laken comes out of the side door and holds it open for us.

"Hey guys! Thank you Kelsie for agreeing to the job when Valan asked for us. Follow me this way and I will get you to the area you guys will be working in." Laken smiles and leads the way.

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