59. Journey

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A week has passed and the charity event for the vitcims of the hurricane went by with so much happiness

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A week has passed and the charity event for the vitcims of the hurricane went by with so much happiness. Laken and I had worked on pulling things from our warehouse personally the day before when the ladies were cooking for the catering side.

Laken and I donated over five hundred pieces of clothing ranging in anything from under garments to full outfits. It was enough that all the families had a very nice wardobe. As for the mens and kids side of clothing we personally went and bought from the stores needed to where it was not just womens clothing we donated.

There were so many happy and appreciated faces there that day as they got bags of clothes, essential items, and food. Along with at the end all the money donated and made from tickets sold cleared just about all of the medical bills the victims had along with damage and repair costs. So on top of the money I already donated along with Kelsie, I made another donation to cover the rest of the expensives our donations previously had not covered.

What is the point in being a billionaire if not to help the communities surrounding me? There wouldn't be a point and I could never be greedy. There will always be more money coming in and at least I know others are taken care of when such natural diasters happen and out of everyones hands.

Today there is a pep in my step, as I close down my computer system and bid Laken a good evening. I am out of the office early once more because I need to get home and to my spendid wife.

It is the day we go in for the embryo transfer. The doctor wants to transfer a minimum of three embryo's since normally at least one doesn't implant. Kelsie and I both are more than fine with it.

I get in my car and drive home to pick up my girl. There is a large part of me hopes this works for us. I will go through as many cycles as Kelsie can handle and wants.

Do I want kids? Yes. More than anything since meeting Kelsie but I know that biological kids could be out of the question if this doesn't work. To me though even if we adopt that is more than okay too because they would still be our children. I will be the spoiling dad to any child we have.

No child of mine will ever wonder or look hard to recieve love from me. That is one thing I vow early on because I know my parents love me but their ways are a little unorthodox to say the least since it always came in the form of items instead of words. Sure I got hugs but as I got older those just stopped and turned to shoulder pats.

In the last week, Kelsie and I have talked for hours on this and she did express how she worried I would be upset. Once I told her how I see it and feels she has calmed and been back to my happy wife. I get her worry, I truly can but I will never be disappointed because there is other ways and to see her smile makes it everything to me.

Walking in the house, I am hit with the smell of food. Everyday since they started cooking for the charity the house smelt amazing. It is a never ending cycle of being hungry and working out harder in the mornings because I can't lose my abs. Good food like I have been eating will most definitely fatten me up and quickly if I slack and don't wake up early to exercise.

"Hey, love." Kelsie pops up around the corner a dish towel in her hands wiping them off.

"Hey Cookie." I smile and walk over to get a kiss.

"Try this real quick. I am done cleaning up and ready to go." Kelsie hands me a flat bread thing.

I take a bite and flavor explodes on my taste buds. There are sutle hints of vanilla, lemon, and something sweet.

"It is really good. What is it?"

"That is a vanilla lemon tart cookie." Kelsie smiles and puts a lid on the container. "This is just for the fun of it since I couldn't start anything for the next catering job until tomorrow or it would be way to stale."

"You are nervous." I hold the cookie in one hand and pull her to me with the other.

Cooking is one way my girl calms down the most. Since the house is clean she couldn't do that to pass time.

"Yes, but I am trying not to get my hopes up. We know the chances of this first cycle but I made a decision I think."

"What's that?" I look at her serious, but she pushes the cookie up to my lips so I take a bite.

"After this first cycle I don't want to go over trying this IVF three cycles. The injections weren't to bad but that was not pleasant either. It is more on the fact that the no sex part is that hardest. So we will try three times then be done with it. If this doesn't work maybe we can wait a year and adopt?"

I nod. "If that is what you would like to do, I will be more than happy to do that too."

The no sex part has been torture. Kelsie has tried to suck me off to where I don't suffer as she calls it. Thing is I hadn't let her either because a major part of me doesn't see that as being fair and even the dominant side of me will not allow it because if she can't get some form a satifaction then I can't get off. Even when we have done punishments for the sass and she can't come I know she still gets enjoyment out of it and then she will get her release still by the very end or later the same day, but with this she wouldn't be able to get off at all for weeks so I wouldn't torture her that way.

We get in the car and make it to the clinic. While waiting our turn, we hold hands and her legs bounces up and down.

Once we are in the back room, the doctor goes over the process once again before having us move once more to a sterile enviroment. I am actually allowed to be with her through this process, so I sit in a chair up by her head through the entire journey.

We leave the clinic being told that there is no sex allowed until we get the results back to know whether or not a successful pregnancy has implanted. Which is a little longer than the original two weeks we were told before but we are okay with it knowing this is part of the IVF journey. Now I am really starting to see and understand why she doesn't want to do more than three cycles. If in the future she wants more than I am okay with that too because our relationshp isn't all about sex, it is only a small part to us. It may have started in that way but it quickly changed into something better.

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