40. I Love You

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Having lived here my entire life, I have been through several hurricanes but this one is the worst ever

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Having lived here my entire life, I have been through several hurricanes but this one is the worst ever.

Relief floods me having Aiden here and he has helped to pack my clothes. I walk through the house and assessed the damage. Just the master bath and the kitchen area is ruined.

I know money can fix this mess. That is not a worry to me at all. It is all the memories here in this kitchen and it being the place where my business was started from.

This is so much different than if I had moved. No instead it is almost like this event tarnished all the good times spent here. Which lead me to crying in Aiden's arms briefly as so many things seem to crash through me on emotions and the severity that the tree could have still landed on me since it isn't even six foot from the tub.

Some time has passed and I centered myself. Now we are in Aiden's car and just left mine at the house, it doesn't even feel like home after this. Is that bad to say?

We did check with all my neighbors to make sure they were okay and come to find out one of my neighbors is the mom of one of Aiden's employees. Everyone is good, other than a few needed some medical attention but an ambulance was with them already.

Pulling up to Aiden's house, we each hold our breath. There is some debre in the yard but the front of the house looks unharmed. We get out and Aiden unlocks the door, both of us take off different ways to see the house is safe and undamaged.

"At least one of our houses were saved or who knows where we would have lived." I sigh and smile lightly.

"It would have been figured out, Cookie. All that matters is you and I are both safe from physical harm."

I nod and agree. That is the best way to look at it all. Also could see this as new beginnings.

"Now there is something I would like to mention." Aiden steps over to me completely and wraps his arms around my waist.

"What's that?"

"I have made little hints that I would like you to move in with me before all of this happened."

I nod because I have known but wasn't sure if he was completely serious and never wanted to push it. As he is new to the dating thing and I know he hadn't had someone live with him before.

"I would like for you to officially move in with me. Please? We can still have the house fixed if you want to keep it and we can go between houses or we can get my kitchen upgraded here for exactly how you will need it and run your business through this house. Our house."

I smile up at Aiden. "I would like to move in with you. As for my house we could fix and sell it. Just doesn't feel like home something I thought after we left."

"So what does our house need for you, Cookie?"

"A pantry, large one. Then just have to go through and make sure all the utensils and cooking supplies you have fully. Which is all at the house and can be brought here and cleaned, of course. Along with a second refrigerator for the catering."

Aiden nods. "That is all easy. I'll call my contractors and have the pantry built. I'm sure that it can be done in less than a weeks time."

My mouth drops open.

"What?" Aiden laughs. "I will use money for good and it is good that your able to work and do what you enjoy. We just have to make sure the others knock before walking in, but the kitchen can always be their safe zone too like it was before for you and them."

"You know thinking of it their drives won't be much different to get here. Other than Kelvin coming from his shop." I muse over it.

"That's great." Aiden smiles. "Let's go get your clothes put in the closet in our bedroom."

"You don't have room though?" I look at him as he let's me go and grabs my bags.

"Cookie, I have had any empty closet for years. I keep it cleaned in there but the door by the side of the bed you sleep that walk in closet is empty."

"I thought it had junk in it or something." I laugh and follow him up the stairs.

Aiden pulls loads of empty hangers from his closet and pulls out my clothes from the one bag. He points out empty drawers for me to place everything from the second bag and I have that done in less than five minutes.

Aiden says he wants to hang my clothes and I let him at it. Pulling my phone out of my bag zipper, I take the case off which got wet but the phone itself is dry. A mini miracle.

I text my parents and they are safe, no damage. Next is Kelvin and Naida, same for them. Then lastly Valan, who is also doing good.

Taking a breath, I read over where they asked how I was. Not wanting to lie I made out a text explaining how I am and what happened, but told them I'm safe not to worry and I'm with Aiden at his house. Well our house now.

A giddy feeling comes over me that I am officially going to be living with Aiden.

"Everything okay?" Aiden's voice calls out from the closet.

"Yeah, just told everyone what happened. My parents, Naida, and Kelvin were wondering the address so that they could have if needed or well for when we get back to work."

"Give it to them Cookie. This is now officially your house as much as it is mine. Your family should know where you live." Aiden smiles.

I send the the address then let the others know I'll get back with them on when we will get back to work right now we have a small space of time.

If the pantry is done, things got from my old kitchen, and shopping complete then we may be able to keep the next catering job. I figure it may be canceled though due to clean up from the hurricane and everything else. Right now, it honestly may be for the best we cancel any events within this month which would give us three weeks to regroup.

"All done." Aiden smiles and I place my phone on the nightstand.

"There is something I wanted to tell you on how I felt for a long time now. I just don't want to scare you or expect you to say it back." I look at Aiden softly.

"What's that Cookie?"

"I love you."


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