61. Tonight You're Mine

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I hear a female crying after the doorbell went off along with Joseph's crying

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I hear a female crying after the doorbell went off along with Joseph's crying. Sometimes I think these bottle warms take the longest, like the object knows a baby is hungry and crying so it takes ten times longer.

Having the bottle ready, I test it on my wrist like Kelsie and Naida shown me before. Then make a quick trot to the living room. Where Kelsie is rocking Joseph lightly and my parents stand by the front door inside. Kelsie walks over and grimaces when she looks up to my eyes.

"She thinks this baby is ours and not my nephew." Kelsie barely whispers and takes the bottle, before sitting in the large chair in the corner.

"Hey Mom."

"Aiden I know that we don't talk like you do with your Dad but I still thought you would have told us you had a baby." Mom sobs.

I bite back my laughter that wants to seep out.

"Mom the baby isn't ours. Joseph is our nephew." I smile.

Mom's cries stop instantly and I roll my eyes when she actually pulls me into a hug. My mother is actually hugging me! Could she be drunk? I hadn't had an actual hug since I was maybe eight.

Dad smirks and smiles. He was the one I had always been closer too anyways because Mom normally worked all day everyday.

"Good to see you son." Dad pats my shoulder like he has for years.

"Come on in. Meet my wife Kelsie." I smile and kiss her head while she feeds Joseph.

"Wife! I knew you were in a relationship but married." Mom's eyes go wide.

"Yeah, I didn't tell her son." Dad scratches his neck and walks up to Kelsie. "Nice to meet you, Kelsie. My son has never sounded so happy in his life until he told me about you."

"Why didn't I know?" Mom looks at Dad.

"If you would get out of those drawing sketches than you would know something Stephanie. I hate to say it sugarplum but unless it is fashion or sex you don't tend to care." Dad shrugs.

Kelsie sucks in air and chokes on spit after my dad said that. I can't help but laugh. This folks is the parents I have always known.

"Don't mind me Kelsie. I didn't think to watch my mouth as that little tyke doesn't look old enough to understand. He has got to be what four months old?" Dad squats down and rubs Joseph's arm, to which Joseph actually gives the stink eye being interrupted from his bottle making us laugh.

"He is seven weeks."

"Oh he is such a strong big boy." Mom gushes and stands by closer to Kelsie and Joseph. "You were always over the norm size for your age too Aiden."

My eyes bug out because Mom never spoke about me like that as a child at any point in time.

"How long have you guys known each other?" Mom looks to Kelsie and I.

"We have known each other since the last event I held and been married for a little over seven weeks." I chuckle. Makes it super easy to remember how old Joseph is since he made it to the world just a few days after.

"What is it you do Kelsie?" Dad asks, even though I have told him.

"I own a catering business. Valan works for me along with my brother and his wife, who is my best friend also. Joseph is my brother and sister-in-laws first born." Kelsie smiles and then picks Joseph up to burp.

"Was there a prenup signed?" Mom looks to me.

I shake my head. "Nope and I don't have a care in the world for it. Kelsie is the one and only love for me."

"I feel the same." Kelsie hums with a smile when our eyes meet.

When I look back to Mom and Dad they actually have large smiles on their faces. That is until they chuckle and I look back to see Kelsie grimacing hard.

"Okay Joseph, time to go see your Uncle Aiden. Aunt Kelsie has to change my shirt. How can a little guy like yourself miss the large burp cloth and hit me." Kelsie snickers as I pick him up.

There is nothing on his clothes but I notice he needs a diaper change so I change him quickly before Kelsie is back downstairs.

We sit and talk with my parents until Kelsie announces it is time for her to go start dinner. She takes the travel bassinet into the kitchen with Joseph sleeping. Even Mom goes and joins her in the kitchen too. I peek around the corner a couple of times and Mom is listening to Kelsie explain things when Mom asks about food. It brings a smile to my face that they seem to be getting along and that Kelsie has my Mom interested in something other than fashion.

"So I heard you went to the company?" I look to Dad.

He nods. "I am sure you will hear it from your Mother but she had came up with a new wedding dress. She actually wants your thoughts on it before seeing if you are okay with them working on it. Also she has changed a bit over the last few weeks it is strange."

"Strange how?"

"Well you know your Mother and my wife." Dad starts and I nod.

"She has just gotten soft all of a sudden. She is into the sports I watch and asking questions, or just wanting to spend more time together. Just last night she cried harder than I have ever seen because she thinks we failed you."

"What started it though? Is Mom sick?" It boggles my mind.

"No she isn't sick or anything. We been having our regular check ups so all good there. Just one night something about a nightmare she had and it changed her every since."

I hum and look back to the kitchen and see Mom actually stirring the noodles while Kelsie holds Joseph.

Kelsie's phone rings and she walks over to the large window by the table. I step over and hold Joseph while she answers the phone. Her words are so soft I don't catch them. When she hangs up and looks to me, she shakes her head.

"Neg?" I whisper as she takes Joseph back.

Kelsie nods and I kiss her lips.

"We can start the second cycle in a couple of weeks."

"If that is what you want." I whisper.

"It is but first we need time together. Tonight you're mine." Kelsie smirks.

"I think it is the other way around, Kitten." My dominant side comes out to play as we whisper.

"We shall see." Kelsie clips with a laugh and kisses me once more.

"Kelsie? How do I tell when these are done?" Mom laughs from across the room at the stove.

I go back to the living room just as there is a knock on the door. Naida and Kelvin look much better and rested. Kelvin joins me and my Dad in the living room while Naida goes to the kitchen with Mom, Kelsie, and Joseph.

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