29. Starting To Fall

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My eyes crack open and a bare chest is all I see

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My eyes crack open and a bare chest is all I see. I nuzzle down into Aiden more and let out a sigh of content. This is definitely something I could get used too.

"Good morning, kitten." Aiden's deep voice rings.

"Good morning." I raise up and look to see him wide awake.

"Why didn't you wake me up if you have been up awhile?"

"I like watching you sleep." He smiles, as his thumb brushes my cheek.

I look over to his clock and see I actually slept to almost noon. I shoot up in the bed and can't believe it, never have I slept in like that before no matter how late I was awake the night before.

Aiden starts laughing and it hits me I literally just mumbled everything out while I was thinking it. I really need to watch that because around him it all comes out. Something that I have not done before, but I definitely have to get a grip on this talking aloud thing.

We get up I grab a clean set of clothes, before walking into the bathroom. I shower quickly and just as I step out, Aiden walks into the bathroom to brush his teeth and shower quickly as well, finishing by time I am finished dressing and drying my hair out.

"I have coffee brewing for us." Aiden whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist while he is in nothing but a towel.

I hum to acknowledge him. His hands roam and tease my breast through my shirt and bra.

"Come on, Kitten." Aiden slaps my butt and walks out of the bathroom. I follow him and he steps over to his closet dressing at remarkable speeds.

He takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. I sit on the stool he pulls out and watch with hungry eyes as he pours the coffee.

I am by no means really hungry for food but for him instead.

Aiden moves around the kitchen, which feels so forgien to not be the one whipping up something quick to eat.

Within less than ten minutes, Aiden has two plates filled with bacon, eggs, and toast.

"Thank you." I whisper and wait for him to sit down before I start eating.

"Your welcome. It is definitely nothing you have fixed for me but I hope it is good." He chuckles.

We eat in comfortable silence, stealing glances at each other. Aiden groans and readjusts himself next to me. I can't help but snicker at how men can't hide arousal like a female can, but at times I do feel bad that they can't.

Aiden cups my cheek and pulls me in for a kiss. He is controlling the entire kiss and I register his hands on my hip before he spins to sit sideways and pulls me over onto his lap.

I grind my hips onto his, earning a moan from Aiden. That is the only time he let me control, because his hand moves and holds my waist to where I can't grind anymore.

A phone keeps going off and Aiden relentucantly pulls back from the kiss. I whimper and let out a sigh.

"Kelsie that is your phone." Aiden looks to me.

Oh! I never even realized it was my ringtone. Guess I was lost in the moment.

"It can wait." I smirk and Aiden pulls me back into a heated kiss.

Right as his hand roams under my shirt, the phone goes off again. Aiden pulls back once more.

"I swear if that is Valan, I am gonna get her." I mumble.

"You should check it, Kitten."

With another sigh, I slip off his lap and he keeps a hand on me until my feet are on the floor. Walking over to where I laid my phone last night on the coffee table, I pick it up to see it is Kelvin.

"Hello?" I answer the phone, trying to hide the upset feeling from fixing to get a piece of meat.

"Hey sis! Could Naida and I come over this afternoon? We sorta have something to announce. Also mom and dad are wanting to see you, they have been blowing my phone up asking questions about you. Since you hadn't answered they wanted me to hound you but I won't. Uh, they did ask you bring the guy though."

"Huh? What are you talking about with the last part, Kelvin?" I make sure to say his name so that at least Aiden knows who I am talking too.

"Apparently, Mom and Dad seen you with a guy last night. They were asking if I knew you were dating." Kelvin sighs.

At least Naida and Kelvin don't like butting in, but I know our parents won't leave him alone until they hear from me.

"I will have to ask him. As for Mom and Dad, just tell them I will talk to them in a bit if they call you again okay?"

"I will sis. I am hoping that once they hear the announcement tonight they will back off and leave you alone about something."

"That would be nice. They hound me for a lot back and forth. Well Mom does, but Dad doesn't want me to be grown up." I roll my eyes.

I love my parents but there is many times I am glad they are workaholics. Mom begs for me to marry, have kids, or shop with her. Where are Dad, he wants me to stay a kid forever and hated when I moved out. Also he has never like one of my boyfriends in the past either.

"I will make up something for dinner. You guys just come over around dinner time yeah?"

"Thanks sis! See you in a couple of hours."

I hang up the phone and can see all the times Mom has texted me. Groaning, I put the phone down on the table and look to Aiden.

"Sorry, my parents must have seen us out last night together. They are wanting to meet you. Also Kelvin and Naida want to announce something, which I may know what it is. I know this is new, like extremely new, between us so I get if you turn this down. Would you like to have dinner with my family and I tonight at my house?"

"I would like too, Kitten. It may help from you getting questioned so much." Aiden chuckles. "Plus, I won't pass up your cooking."

I laugh as his arms wrap around me and he gives me a quick peck.

"My Mom will question you and Dad will probably give the stink eye."

Aiden shrugs. "I will win him over with my charm then. I am honest when I have told you I like you Kelsie, no matter how fast it is and I want to see what these other feelings are. Because it is more than just being your dom and us having sex."

"It is the same for me." I smile.

I understand my feelings a bit better and I can tell the road we are headed down. I am starting to fall in love with Aiden, I haven't been in total love but I can see myself being like that with Aiden.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

To bad the phone blocked some more sexy time. Not to worry it will be made up for in the future!

How might this dinner go?

How might this dinner go?

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