31. Amazing News Here Tonight

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So many different emotions seem to run through my body as I check on the food

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So many different emotions seem to run through my body as I check on the food. There is extreme happiness, but also a hint of longing and sadness that wash over me.

Never was I one to really long to have children of my own after learning my problems. I thought I was okay with the major fact it is out of the cards for me. It just seemed to hit a little that I would never get to personally experience any of the joys.

Even though I have no clue who I would even have a child with. Aiden and I are still so very new but I do really like him and could see being with him for a long time.

None of that matters right now, I will not let my little emotions that are insignificant ruin this happy moment for my brother and sister-in-law, who is also my best friend. That is what I have to focus on and will, because I will not let my subconicous get caught up in jealousy. There is no reason to be jealous and I won't allow myself too, it is a blessing for my brother and best friend while I will be the best Aunt I can be and spoil the little one.

Once I know the food is right at done, I look up feeling eyes on me. Aiden is watching me closely and it is almost if my discomfort has affected him in a way.

Giving him a soft smile, he returns it and then I move to grab plates. Aiden washes up and steps over to help me even if he doesn't have too. He holds a plate out as I load it up with food and then he places it to the side and grabs the next plate.

We work well together as if he has been in the kitchen with me just as long as Naida and Val has. With the plates being loaded up and ready, I move the pan off the stove and turn the unit off. Aiden and I load up our arms with plates then walk over to the table, placing them down for everyone.

"Food is ready." I look over to my small family who has been gushing over Naida.

When they make way to the table, I step back over to the fridge and Naida joins me.

"Thank you." She whispers, and smiles softly.

"For what?" I look to her.

"Getting the food finished. I love my in laws but it's overwhelming." She blushes.

"You and my brother are giving them their first grandababy." I smile and rub her arm. "This is a time for you to soak it all in and enjoy being the center of attention. Because you, new Mommy, need to enjoy and embrace this beautiful time."

"Thank you. You always know what to say." Naida hugs me tight.

"Nah, I don't always know what to say." I sass and we both giggle.

"So what is going on with you and mister hottie? Or is it eye candy you called him?" Naida snickers.

"Why don't get the drinks and join the others before the food gets cold?" I try to change topics which makes me cringe.

Naida raising an eyebrow at me. "You know your parents will question." She smiles.

"I dont' want to over shadow your happy news. Today should be your day." I smile.

"Nonsense, there is still several months before this kid is here and you are important to this family. So?"

"We are dating but still new." I whisper, leaving out the other part of Aiden and I's dynamic.

Naida smiles wide and silently claps her hands. "That is amazing, it has been so long since you have been with anyone."

I grab the wine for everyone else. Then grab the sparkling water for Naida and myself. I will drink it with her because right now I don't need alcohol in my system to make my lips loose with my parents here.

We go back to the table and Aiden is standing behind a chair. Just like Kelvin is.

"Ladies." Aiden smiles and holds the chair out as Kelvin does the same.

"Well thank you kind sir." Naida smirks to Kelvin and takes her seat.

I barely hold back the stutter or choking fit that I about had when she said that. Aiden looks over to me and smirks.

Deciding to step out of my comfort zone and to get a little fun, I decide to say the same to Aiden.

"Thank you kindly, Sir." I smirk as I sit down and he pushes my chair up.

Aiden takes his seat next to me and the look from the corner of his eye tells me that my teasing could come back. Especially if him readjusting once sat means much of what that one little word done. I can't help the smirk and then Dad speaks up.

"Looks good as always, baby girl."

"Thank you." I smile and we all dig in once everyone gets their drinks filled.

"So Aiden what it is you do?" Dad looks to Aiden.

"I own and run Scenix Clothing. What is it you do Mr. Waters?"

"Owen, Mr. Waters was my old man and I will not be like him." Dad chuckles. "I am an accountant. That is a major clothing line you got there."

Aiden nods. "It is owed to my Mother for starting it but mainly for all the customers that still buy the clothes is what keeps us going. It helps us to know what the people want and how they respond to the lines each season."

Dad nods.

I look to Mom next to me, since it seems Dad and Aiden are talking nicely together.

"How is the daycare going?"

"It is going great. A couple of the other teachers there are trying to start new routines but the kids aren't having it in the least." Mom sighs.

We all fall into a comfortable conversation while eating our food. Then Mom goes and asks the golden question that Naida already beat her too.

"Are you two dating? It would only seem fitting since he is here. How did you meet?"

"One question at a time Dear." Dad pats Mom's hand.

I look to Aiden and he smiles at me.

"We are dating, it is still new." I smile too, when Aiden holds his hand out for mine.

"So much amazing news here tonight." Mom smiles and claps her hands. Dad gives a small smile and for once it shocks me, sense any other boyfriend I announced he would be stoned faced and never smile.

I wonder if I finally have my Dad's blessing with Aiden. Dad barely knows Aiden and already is fine with him, which is so shocking for me.

Then again it shouldn't because there is deep feelings that Aiden does bring out in me. Maybe I shouldn't fight them with thinking it is to fast and just let them start to surface as we learn each other more?

No. I will take it one step at a time with Aiden because we are both learning quite a bit by being together.

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