32. Going Back

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Mom and Naida help to put the dishes into the washer once we finish eating, before we all move to the living room to chat

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Mom and Naida help to put the dishes into the washer once we finish eating, before we all move to the living room to chat. Aiden, Kelvin, and Dad stand by the kitchen table talking and chuckling.

"How are you feeling Naida?" Mom looks to her.

"I feel great. I never thought I was even pregnant until the cucumbers suddenly wanting them. Never did I have morning sickness or the other signs. Honestly once I got that positive I was worried because I still had some light bleeding so I never thought I was pregnant, but the doctor said it was normal and everything came back looking great." Naida pulls a sonogram out of her pocket.

"It looks like a little bean." I smile and give Naida a side hug.

"That is what I thought too. Kelvin calls the baby his little alien."

We all giggle together over the nickname.

"Are you guys hoping for one or the other?" I ask Naida.

"I'm not and Kelvin hasn't said either. Although, I do already know about the nursery."

"Oh do tell!" I squirm and smile.

"I would like to do a white with pale yellow, with possible light gray accents. It would be a neutral theme but just about everything would go with it."

Mom nods. "Just make sure it is the pale colors you want. It may seem like a myth to many people but for Kelvin it was true that the bright colors can be much and affect the baby."

We question Mom on it all and I even learn so much I never knew either. It is all fun though.

Dad walks over and sits by Mom, kissing her head.

"Baby talk ladies?" Dad smiles looking between us.

"Of course." Mom smiles.

Dad looks to me and smiles brightly. "You have a good man over there Kelsie."

My mouth opens in shock. "You have never said that before." I can't stop the words from pouring out of my mouth.

"Well, I have never meant it before baby girl. Aiden isn't after your money like many of the others you have dated were. He is work driven just like you are too but I can tell that you guys can balance it out nicely between each other. Nothing seems forced. Plus, he can't keep his eyes off you as they follow you to know your safe. Something I can admire in that man." Dad nods.

"Do you see how he looks at our little girl Owen?" Mom lets out a dreamy sigh and Dad continues to nod.

"Aiden looks at you just like I do your Mother. Even if he doesn't realize it yet." Dad smiles softly.

I look to Aiden and see him laughing with Kelvin. As if he senses my looking, his eyes meet mine and he smiles.

Aiden and Kelvin join us a moment later.

"What are you two laughing about?" Naida smiles when Kelvin pulls her close to him and Aiden does the same with me.

"I was just telling Aiden here about some of the guitars." Kelvin smiles.

"They seem interesting and a form of art for sure how one guitar can do so much." Aiden nods.

"I lost him though when talking about all the different pedals you can get to make some of those killer sounds." Kelvin smirks.

Aiden laughs and nods. "I would get lost and it would end up sounding like a cat bring up a hairball or nails on a chalk board."

"Which is what got us laughing." Kelvin adds chuckling again.

"Anyone want more wine?" I offer.

Everyone says they are good with the bottle water we all went to after dinner. The talking goes smoothly and everyone is interested in Aiden's clothing line. So much so I pull out the couple of pieces from my closet and Mom gushes over it.

"How did I not know these clothes existed?" Mom exclaims.

Naida and I laugh.

"Probably because you tend to just get yours' from the outlet store and not actually go shopping at other stores. Mom face it most of your clothes are the pieces you bought when Kelvin and I were little. You like to shop but not for yourself." I snicker.

Mom shrugs. "True. Okay, well now I know what to do when I get off work tomorrow."

Aiden chuckles. "I could have some things sent to your house if you wish me too."

"No way. I will buy them because I don't take hand outs." Mom puts a hand on her chest with her mouth open.

"Mom has always been this way. She will give to charities and pay for anything she gets. There is no fighting her on this." I snicker to Aiden, as he nods.

After another thiry minutes passes by with us all talking before Mom and Dad stand announcing they will be heading out.

"I hope to see more of you Aiden." Dad nods to Aiden and shakes his hand again, before pulling him in tight to whisper something.

Mom gives me a hug and then Naida and Kelvin are standing to leave also.

Once everyone is gone I turn to Aiden to see him smirking at me.

"You're mom has a ton of energy but now I get it. She would need it working in a daycare." He chuckles.

"Yeah, when she doesn't work you can tell because her energy can be stiffling." I snicker.

I walk over and Aiden pulls me into his arms.

"What did my Dad tell you?" I can't help but be curious.

"That I better treat you right and also thanking me for being different from all the other doush bags you have had around." Aiden smirks.

Shock comes over my briefly and then I mentally swipe it away. Sounds like my Dad and I can't blame him for saying that because it is things I have thought about with my past failed relationships.

"Do you have to prepare for an event tomorrow?" Aiden looks down to me.

I shake my head. "Nope. I figure you have work tomorrow though."

Aiden hums and looks at me. "Nothing overly important. Laken and I have to look over some things but that is all because the new designs aren't ready for us to view just yet to see where we may want to change things."

I nuzzle my face into his chest.

"What are you thinking Kitten?"

"About us going back to your place."

Aiden hums. "If that is what you want?"

"I do." I nod and look up at him. "I want you to teach me more."

I smirk and stand from the couch. We never brought my bag in yet so it is still in his car. Together we lock up my house and before I know it we are on the way to his.

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