69. Family Of Four

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The last thirty weeks has been a breeze

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The last thirty weeks has been a breeze.

Well not a total breeze as Kelsie has had a hard time being pregnant. It seems like morning sickness clocked in hard when she hit eleven weeks which the doctor said is late in the trimester but it stuck around well up until a few weeks ago. She had so much trouble gaining the weight the doctor kept wanting her to reach but has finally gained it in the last couple of weeks.

Her mom, Emily, officially put her notice in to the daycare she has worked at for years. Now she is with my Mom and the others here at the house when they cook for catering jobs and even helps the cooking and watching kids. Kelsie will sit in the back during an event with Talitha and Joseph watching and helping when one of the others take a break to watch the kids so she can still do a little work too.

Scenix clothing has taken a massive turn and grown even more. We just hostessed the winter event a week ago, making is early since it normally would have been this week sometime, but I couldn't do it knowing this week is packed full.

Naida and Kelvin are watching Talitha for us while we are now on the way to the hosptial. The doctor told us a month ago that when Kelsie got to thirty-nine weeks she would be induced. So here we are on the way to the hosptial early this morning after dropping Talitha off with lots of loves from us both. We had made sure to make these last few days special and she is so excited when we talk about the baby we are fixing to have.

Talitha is seven months old and it is funny how she can already sass just as if she is Kelsie's mini me. She can crawl everywhere and has started to pull herself up to stand for short periods at a time.

Kelsie and I have no clue what the gender of the baby is, as we wanted to keep it a surprise for birth. Our family has been chopping at the bits and making guesses, which we laugh at. Also we have no clue what the name will be since we want the gender to be a surprise we didn't want to have a list of names or one picked out for each gender. We want it to be similair to when we got Talitha, just a surprised gender and let the name come to us as we see our newborn child.

"Are you ready to meet our next baby soon?" Kelsie asks next to me as I park the car.

I turn to look at her and her eyes are sparkling so much happiness and I know mine are too.

"I am over excited." I smile and lean over capturing her lips.

When we pull apart Kelsie smirks. "I don't want to rush anything but I am excited for when we can be together again, but I am definitely getting on birth control again."

"If that is what you want to do." I smile.

"It is since we will be having two under a year old." She laughs. "I am so happy with how our lives have turned out together. I have never been happier and more in love with you than ever."

"I love you with all my heart Kelsie. You brought me so many things I never knew I was missing in my life."

I get out of the car and round it to help her out. Then I grab the one bag we have packed with our clothes and then a going home outfit for the baby in a neutral onsies. I look at the car seats in the back and can't help but smile wide.

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