63. Our Daughter

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Two years has since passed since the day we learned the first IVF cycle failed

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Two years has since passed since the day we learned the first IVF cycle failed. Now we are here today with four failed cycles. I originally didn't want to do more than three but they had failed, so Aiden and I eventually told my family and his parents about it then went for more testing where my numbers were better so we did just one more cycle which failed too. Plus I hadn't been on birth control since we started the very first round and nothing has happened even naturally.

That was a little over a year ago and after than we decided to adopt. So we have been on the list for a good while since we would like an infant first. Then in another couple of years we may adopt an older child too but when we met with some of the older children at an ophanage they all were set against being adopting their little hearts were waiting on their parents, which broke me and Aiden both. We can't force a child into our home when they don't want too.

Our family has been supportive and so kind. Little Joseph is a handful for Naida and Kelvin, being a toddler now and moving around everywhere. He is so sweet though and there is many times Aiden and I will watch him for a day so that my brother and sister-in-law can have some adult time too.

Work has been going great for both companies. We make sure that there are days where neither of us work to spend time together or with our family.

Right now, though Aiden and I are in the hosptial with a child services worker. She called us an hour ago about a middle aged mother who was giving birth and signed the right over to the baby before even the baby left her womb. The woman wants nothing to do with the baby and the social worker knows we have been waiting and don't care of the gender. So we got first calls, so here we are fixing to meet the newborn.

Aiden holds my hand as the door opens. The social worker walks in first then a nurse walks in rolling a bassinet.

"Good early morning. I thank you both for coming here at this hour." The social worker smiles. "I had just been in the delivery room and then nursery while they checked over this newborn baby girl. The mother had signed her rights away as soon as she was in labor as I explained over the phone and once the baby was born she turned down the one time she is permitted to hold her and wouldn't look at the newborn."

My chest hurts already for this newborn.

"I do want to go over some of the medical things with the baby since she has been born and just want to put out there this is by no means something you have to jump into. If you wish to finalize the adoption then I do have the papers done and ready since this case is very touchy and a judge has already signed as well."

"What is medically wrong? Is she okay?" Aiden speaks up for us.

"She is cleared now but when she was first born the pediatrician did have to revive her. She was not breathing at birth. All the tests came back that the biological mother was clean so she will not have any withdrawals as an newborn infant. Just over the next day the doctors will want to test and monitor her closely since at birth did have to be revived."

Tears fill my eyes and I want to see this young fighting girl already.

"May I see her?" My voice is soft and muffled slightly with the emotions choking me up.

The social worker motions to the nurse and she rolls the bassinet over to us.

The moment my eyes land on her sweet face I know without a doubt this little girl is ours.

For a breif moment, I look to Aiden and see the same emotion.

"Where are the papers?" Aiden asks as we look at this little fighter.

"Mr. Scenix, are you sure? This can wait a couple of days before you must decide." The social worker starts.

"No need. This is our daughter." Aiden moves his finger and touches her cheek.

"The papers are right here."

Aiden moves and I hear a pen over the paper before it is my turn. I look away long enough to sign the papers. Then I hand the pen back and pick up our daughter.

"This is your copy of the adoption papers. I will get it finialize and closed." The social worker announces. "I wish you nothing but happiness as a family of three."

"Thank you." Aiden whispers as he joins me where I have moved to sit on the couch in the room while holding our little girl.

"What should we name her?" Aiden whispers as we stare at her face.

I think for a moment and then it hits me for her name to have meaning.

"Talitha Key Scenix."

"That is beautiful. She is a young girl, fighter and brought back to us for us. Along with the star constellation for this morning works out beautifully." Aiden names the reason as to why I choose her first name.

"Happy Anniversary, Cookie." Aiden kisses the side of my head.

I look at him and kiss his lips while holding our daughter. "Happy Anniversary, my love."

"This is perfect for our two year anniversary." Aiden smiles as I place Talitha in his arms.

"It truly is and we are a family of three now." I smile.

"That we are."

"I can't wait to tell everyone in a couple of hours." I bounce slightly.

"They will be just as happy as we are." Aiden smiles.

"Well not as happy because I can't ask for anything better in the world. I have an amazing husband, whom I love with all my heart and now we have a beautiful baby girl."

"You're so very right. I wonder how Joseph will take to his cousin." Aiden chuckles.

"I think he will be happy because he will have someone to play with when she gets older." I laugh.

The nurse comes back in the room with formula, diapers, and wipes. Telling us to call the nurse station if we need any help and that the doctor will be in within an hour to check her again but that she will get to stay with us and doesn't have to go back to the nursery unless there is something majorly wrong.

Aiden lets me feed her first and we keep kissing her little head. Neither one of us having let her lay in the bassinet since I picked her up.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Had a two year time jump at the beginning of this chapter. It is sweet though to see them have a daughter now?

What will their future hold?

What will their future hold?

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