22. Came Naturally

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Stepping out from the private bathroom area I have in my office, I adjust the tie on my suite

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Stepping out from the private bathroom area I have in my office, I adjust the tie on my suite. Not wanting to jinx it, but I don't think there is a thing that could wipe the smile off my face today.

Last night being with Kelsie was literally the best I have ever had in my life. I have heard of how people say magical dicks well she has to have the magical vagina for me. I hadn't ever shared kisses with a woman while in the moment of doing the deed, but I just couldn't get enough of her lips.

Hell, I still want more of her lips. Also I want more of the sleep I got last night with her touching me the entire time. Which is another thing I have never done before with a woman.

In just the span of a short time there are many firsts I have shared with Kelsie. They all just felt right though, I done it without second guessing or having to plan through what to do to her. It all came naturally.

The folder lays on the edge of the desk and I pick it up coming to sit down. I need to memorize every single thing she is dead set against. Everything we discussed and she vetoed are all things I can live without easily because there is more than enough to do with the things she approved of.

I could tell the bondage she truly seemed to enjoy last night. Which pleases me because it is something I do enjoy doing the most. Although parts of me wonder how it would feel to have her hands running on my body while we have that time together.

The aftercare I provided doesn't seem like enough after our first time. Once she comes to my house for it I will make sure to do much better. Somehow.

Looking over, it stands out neither of us actually signed the contract last night. I got caught up in the moment and it is something I have never done before. I have always made sure it is signed before anything actually happens.

So let's see if I got this right. I had my first time sleeping with someone all night long, no condom, didn't sign the contract, and even had initamite kisses shared during sex. All of them are a first for me and all within a span of just a short time together.

The door opens and I close the folder, disguarding it into my shoulder bag. It is for mine and Kelsie's eyes only. I would never disrepect her in that manner on what we have agreed too. I don't mind be opening about being her dominant but as for the activities choosing to do well that is private.

"Nice look." Laken smirks.

"What are you going on about?" I shake my head.

"That smile. It is one I hadn't ever seen before and we have been friends for years man." Laken sits in the chair.

"What is on the things for today?" I change the subject.

Time flys by as Laken and I go through all the things needed to be done for the day. He had me check over the fabrics and I agree with his choices. It is set up for Monday on letting the steamstress team to get to work on bringing Laken's ideas to life.

I go back to the office and work on the computer. Right now it is getting to see what the stock is in the warehouses and then from there, having teams prep for mass send out over seas. Which is also makes sure the stores in the States get their merchandise from the new contract I signed also.

My eyes keep training over to the clock to watch the time. I don't want to miss my phone call with Kelsie tonight.

The door opens again showing Laken and one of the other employees come in.

"Everything good?"

"It will be as soon as you sign this please." The lady hands over a piece of paper.

I look over it and read that it is for the fabrics to be sent in over the weekend. So, I sign and hand it back to her.

"Thank you." I nod and she walks out of the office.

"How was the thoughts on new designs?" I look to Laken.

"Should have some solid sketches done by Monday afternoon. The winter lingerie has been a bit tricky, but I may have a couple ideas." Laken smirks.

"You will get it and you know I will help you design also if you need the push."

"Aiden, you have more than enough on your plate with everything else. For me the designs is my job." Laken laughs.

"Fair enough, but still being your my best friend I will help."

"You still have that look and your eyes are darting." Laken chides.

"I am going to call Kelsie tonight and I know that right now they are at the event she had."

Laken nods. "Valan was excited like normal when they have a job. They average one to two a week if not even three depending."

"That is great for them. Those ladies sure can cook." I laugh.

"I am surprised being married to Valan as long as I have that I hadn't gained a ton of weight."

I can't help but laugh with Laken.

"I like the change I already see in you with Kelsie." Laken smiles.

"I have done things with her I hadn't with any other woman before." I admit.

Laken sits up and smirks. "You know I was the same way with Valan."

I nod. "I remember that."

"Why don't you ask Kelsie out on a date? It would be a way to get to know her better too and not just getting to know her via calls alone or during time spent while in dominant and submissive times."

I open my mouth but close it back. There is no denial on my tongue.

"I know you have never dated before. Maybe you can see it as more firsts with her? I really think she is the one for you man. Valan has said how there is a difference in Kelsie too. I see it with you and when you said you had first things with her, your face lite up and didn't seem like it bothered you but instead excited you further."

"I wouldn't even know how to ask her on a date." I mumble, actually a bit embrassed over that fact.

"Simple. Just ask if she will go on a date with you. It can be something simple or whatever you think she may enjoy." Laken shrugs and gets up from the chair.

"Well, I am going to work a bit more on the current design I got going before going home to Valan." Laken walks to the door.

"Oh, I would suggest flowers when you pick her up for the date." He smirks and walks out.

Great! I don't even know what to do.

I got an hour before I told Kelsie I would call. Maybe some time searching online on what to do for a date is the way to go?

 Maybe some time searching online on what to do for a date is the way to go?

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