12. About The Lifestyle

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Couple of days has past and is it now Wednesday midmorning

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Couple of days has past and is it now Wednesday midmorning. I keep thinking so much about Kelsie when my mind is free. Something that eats at me because no woman has ever been on my mind so much, not even past submissives.

With my past submissives, I thought of them only when I was in their presences. The hardest part was the aftercare because they would be so whiny after the time we spent together. Something that gets me because I tend to enjoy aftercare but not when whining starts in, sort of kills the mood.

Most of them just wanted to have scenes because they knew I would stay the night. One of my past submissives wanted to be paid which felt wrong and I never agreed to because it was not a whoring service.

That lead to the major fight with the last submissive I had for a short period. Once I told her per contract we had, I would not pay for her to be my submissive, she became physical with me. I walked out with a bruised rib and cuts from shattered glass with things that broke on impact against my body.

I may be a dominant and do things within the moment with my submissive, but I would never flat out hit a woman if outside of the Dom moment. No matter how much I may be attacked, my goal is to just get out without having to touch the female.

There is a difference between being a dominant and the things that is done during consent versus a domestic assualt. That is a line I will not cross. I don't see myself as a pansy for that but just respect even if I am not being shown it at the time.

It makes it easier if cops are involved because at least I won't be taken off to jail. Something that can't happen when I own such a large business and got to many employees counting on me to be there for their lively hood.

"Daydreaming there Aiden?" Laken's voice snaps me out of it all.

"Yeah, I didn't even knew you came in." I shake my head and run a hand down my face.

Looking at the computer, I can tell my laywer has been gone long enough to already have everything on digital and sent to me on the last meeting I had this morning with an over seas buyer. Besides Laken, my lawyer is always at the meetings I have like that to make sure everything stays within the legal range and nothing is being slipped in. Plus, he keeps records of all the auto from the meeting to where things can not be said or held against neither my side nor the clients. All things the clients are made aware of prior to a meeting.

Laken doesn't always make it to the meetings depending on what he is doing within the business to help. This morning he was deep in the designs for the winter line we are now on a deadline for.

"How was the meeting this morning?" Laken looks at me.

"Went well. We now have three new contracts completed from the events help. Two of which are over seas buyers, then the third is a new store chain in the States."

Laken nods.

"How were the designs and materials this morning?" I point to his tablet.

"Narrowed down to specifics. Tomorrow there will be a line up done and ready for you to approve of the materials, as we walk through my designs in more detail."

I nod. "How soon can the cut and sewing get started once approved tomorrow?"

"By Monday for a fact. I can get the designs into the larger view for the others to do their thing to start making it a solid design to see in person."

"Then we can see if there is any flaws to be fixed." I go over the normal check on things.

"I am still trying to come up with some other designs." Laken sighs.

"Why? I thoroughly enjoyed the ones you have now."

"Because there needs to a bit more than one full outfit, in my opinion."

"Well the pajamas and night linergie are another thing you are working on too. I can see your point on just one outfit. What about a winter dress or even one piece suites for women?"

Laken sits up in the chair and starts to tap on his tablet. The entire time his head nods as he mumbles under his breath. "I can work those angles. It is something new we hadn't done for winter one peice suites for women."

I give a light smile, because it is a good feeling to see Laken in the zone with what he does best.

After just a few moments, he puts the tablet down and leans back to look at me again.

"What?" I raise a brow.

"What were you daydreaming about when I came in? I hadn't ever seen that look on your face before. Well the first face before it turned into the sour puss look I am so used too." Laken smirks.

I sigh and let out a deep chuckle.

"I was first thinking of Kelsie before it turned to the last submissive I had."

Laken nods and smirks. "She is single you know? Kelsie. Valan has gave me even more details on her friends since the event. Plus, I know that Kelsie and Valan has talked about the lifestyle we live with the sexual part. Valan mentioned that Kelsie was very interested which lead to many questions. They had a several hour conversation about it Sunday. Valan gave her the reading materials to learn more on it too because Kelsie wanted to know all about it."

A almost possessive streak runs through me with the knowledge she is completely new to the BDSM.

"I hate that I wasn't able to see them off after the event. The lawyer and the one sleaze guy pulled me into that immediate meeting after he seen the models in the lingerie. It was easier to have the meeting to just be done and tell him I would think about it, which I still haven't decided there."

I shake my head. " Off topic. I just wish I could have spoke to Kelsie more because there is something about her. I would like to see where they do the magic to the food they made though." I think out loud the last part.

A ding catches my attention and Laken smirks before looking up.

"Valan said to give her a call if you want to maybe see Kelsie again. I may have just speed texted Valan." Laken smirks. "Well, give me a heads up if you head out but I am going to go back to my office and get to work on these designs."

Laken gets up and goes to the door. "Oh and if it isn't obvious, I am rooting for you and Kelsie. I hadn't ever seen you look like that man. She is a nice woman from the time I have been around her when being there with Valan as they cook and you had told me to rest on the designs to reboot in the past. So, maybe don't let Kelsie slip through your fingers by working all the time. Kelsie could be the best thing you ever had or will have."

With that Laken smirks and walks out.

I look over at my phone and contemplate everything. Should I follow my best friends advice?

Hey Hey Guys!!!

What will Aiden do?

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