18. Right After

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The food is just as great as the other times I had it

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The food is just as great as the other times I had it.

"Is there anything you can't cook?" I look up to Kelsie, as I place the plate in the dishwasher with her rinsing them first.

"Uh, sure there are several exotic or delicates I can't make." She nods.

"Name one." I smirk.

"Puffer fish." She laughs.

"I have heard that is a hard one." I nod.

Just because I can't cook to this level doesn't mean I don't know things about food. Something I learned much of just to where when I have traveled before or had guests I would not be clueless as to things that would be best suited for their tastes.

Together we have the kitchen cleaned and Kelsie looks around.

"Thank you. I didn't expect you to help with cooking nor cleaning after." Her face heats up some.

"It was my pleasure. I enjoy helping where I can and learning as well. Why didn't you think I would help?" I study her body language.

"Well because you're into fashion and well."

"Ah, you thought I had maids or personal chiefs." I chuckle.

"Doesn't most of the rich busy people? That is things I heard in school all the time is how this one or that one had this or that from their parents. I honestly hated going to the uppy up schools, but it was the safest according to my parents." She sighs.

I tilt my head, because I didn't see that one coming.

"You know, same could be said for you. You must have had money growing up to be in schools like that." I smirk.

Kelsie nods. "My parents hit some major lottery after I was born. Honestly, I wouldn't have to work nor Kelvin. We both are workaholics like our parents still are."

"Would you like to go over things to do with what we agreed to last night?" I look at her.

"Yes." She stands taller and more confident.

I walk to the counter and pick up the folder. "Where would you like to sit?"

"The couch would be good. Do you want anything else to drink other than water?"

"Water is just fine thank you." I smile and follow her to the living room.

Once she sits down, I do the same next to her.

"Now at anytime you wish to stop the dom and sub relationship between us just let me know and no hard feelings. Okay?"

Kelsie nods. "Okay."

"Do you understand the terms used or should we go over them first? I know that you have read and learned a great deal on your own, so I just want to make sure."

"I know the terms used and understand those so we can skip that part." Kelsie looks between me and the folder.

"Okay so next would be to let you see this. These are my last results on testing for any diseases." I hand her the top paper where I was tested after the last submissive I had.

I have never done anything without a condom but still have to be careful and make sure.

"I am clean and have my results here. My insurance said my rates would be lower, so I done it." She shows me her phone and her results from just a few weeks ago.

We are both clean so that is great.

"Now not to be touchy on the matter, but it is important to know also before we start about birth control." I wince because normally it is a touchy subject.

"No worries there. I am on a pill that I take daily, every morning before I eat. I had to be on them since I started actually." She gets a sad look.

"I'm sorry, if asking brought anything up."

"Not at all. It is just already been told the chances of me having kids are slim to none." She shrugs.

A ache runs through my chest when she looks down. Not sure what to say, I use a finger to move her chin up towards me and my lips capture hers in a fierce kiss.

When I pull back, I am shocked myself. I normally always know what to say but I didn't for that.

"Thanks, that was nice." She looks at me softly.

"You never have to thank me for a kiss." I look back some, this lady really must not have been appreciated for her beauty alone to have the need to thank me for something that seems so basic.

Oh, Kitten we will have loads of fun. I am going to spoil you now with you being mine.

I bite back my smirk.

"So next is to go through the list on what is hard limits and the soft limits." I pull out the list over the next several pages.

Kelsie rubs her thighs together and I can't hide the smirk this time. Seems like she is anxious to get started if she can be turned on from just talking about it, or it is from the kiss. It will be fun to find out over time.

Time escapes us as we go through the list and I mark a 'H' for hard limits and leave it blank if she is comfortable trying it at the least.

The hard limits that Kelsie is already set against, but I love she knows the basic limits she is not willing to cross. She is not willing to try fisting, dress up role play as in the little type which I can't blame her for that is one I am glad she is a hard limit on. Those are the only two areas that she flat out said no on.

The rest she is up for at least trying once before throwing it in the hard limit section.

Which means I will get to have fun teasing her in public, bondage, edge play to control breathing, impact and sensory play.

Now exhibition is one thing that is not on my list because it is something I prefer not doing. I rather not have my submissives on display for any other eyes to see but mine. While I enjoy public teasing, I don't like others being able to watch while the submissive is being publicly humilated by fingerings herself in front of others and it being known about. So that is one thing that will not happen, plus I am already feeling an over protectiveness towards Kelsie none of my other subs ever made me feel.

"When do we get started?" Kelsie looks over to me.

"Right after we go over the aftercare protocol I have and make sure it is all things you agree too. Also we have to choose a say word for the two of us for if you ever need to use it to stop all forms of play immediately."


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