50. Changed My Mind

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Spending time with Val is some of the best and something we hadn't done in a while

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Spending time with Val is some of the best and something we hadn't done in a while. There was many times our spending time together just talking outside of cooking was in one of our cars. Which was fun to do while the guys got the boxes home and inside.

Now though, I just step out of my car at home and see all the others cars are gone but Aiden's. Even the workers trucks aren't here.

So I make my way around back and see the walls are up along with the pantry roof from the outside. I wonder if they did get it all done while we were gone.

I walk back around the house and go in through the front door. Not seeing Aiden in the living room, I make way through to the kitchen and see the new door installed. I walk over and open it, then flip the switch I find next to the door and the lights pop on. Shelves line the wall and the back wall has the largest refrigerator I have ever seen, it is much bigger than the one I did have at my house.

"Do you like it?" Aiden's voice speaks up behind me.

"I really do like this. There is so much space." I smile and spin into his arms that have wrapped around me.

I flip the switch back off and close the door. I spot the boxes of that have catering labeled on the sides in the corner stacked up by the kitchen table.

"The other boxes are in the guest room until you can go through them and we place those things around the house." Aiden answers unspoken questions.

"I guess I was with Val talking in my car longer than I thought." I laugh lightly.

"It is good though you ladies getting to talk and spend time together. It didn't take us long."

"No it took longer to pack it all up. I can't belive they got the pantry done in just the several hours we were gone." I shake my head, it still is amazing.

Aiden chuckles lightly.

"I have food being delivered for us to eat also."

I nod. "Yeah, I will be shopping for food tomorrow."

We both laugh and he gets the door when the doorbell rings. Once he brings it over, we eat in silence and my mind reels over so many different things.

Excitement about seeing these dresses Laken has in his office. The shopping list made out of all the food needed to get the catering back up and running. Also the food I need to buy and pick up for Aiden and I to eat for dinners.

A gasp comes out with a moan, as I clench my thighs together. The egg making another round of vibrations through my body. I squirm in the chair. Pulling a laugh from Aiden.

Once it stops. I look up to him and smirk instead of glare.

"What was the deal with the egg going off while I was literally surrounded by everyone? You didn't even have your phone." I try to ask sickly sweet with no sass so I don't get anymore punishment and instead get the sweet release I want.

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