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"What are you doing?" I giggle when he raises the Polaroid camera to his face, angling it at me.

"Don't move." He whispers, kneeling on the floor next to me as I lay sprawled across his bed.

I do as he says, not moving a muscle, and allow him to capture me. I don't feel shy with the camera pointed at me, instead I focus on the the way he grins and his eyes crinkle when he centers me in the frame. I can't keep my own smile from emerging just before he clicks the shutter button.

"You're a fucking dream, Vi." He whispers.

He snaps another picture of me, and I don't give myself time to digest his words before I'm leaning forward to steal the camera from him.

I inspect the camera for a second and bring it up to my face, waiting for him to move into the frame. He throws himself onto the bed, and on top of me, one leg on each side of my hips. When he sees that the roles have reversed, he covers the camera with his palm.

"Don't you dare."

I swat his hand away and he snatches the camera back, pointing it at me again and taking one last picture, which he adds to the growing pile on the nightstand.

He hands the camera back and flops down on the mattress next to me, pulling me toward him so his body curves around the back of mine.

I turn the camera around to take a picture of us both, since he won't allow one of him alone. The image slowly comes to life as I hold it, waiting, and I gasp when I see how his eyes are shining in the moonlight and I was able to catch his dimpled smile to cherish forever.

"What?" He asks, sitting up to rest on his elbow and look at me.

"Nothing." I smile and place the photo on the nightstand.


"Violet?" A gruff voice pulls me out of my dream and I gulp for air as my eyes fly open. "Wake up, babe."

A hand runs down my back to try and soothe me. I exhale heavily, attempting to slow my heart rate back down. I slowly roll over in bed and come face to face with light brown eyes and freckled cheeks.

"Good morning." My boyfriend, Alex, smiles and brushes a few strands of hair out of my face. "Bad dream?"

"Um..." I hesitate. It wasn't a dream, it was a memory. One of many that have haunted my mind for years. "Yeah, something like that."

His hand slides from my hip to my ass over the bedsheet covering me and he leans in to kiss along my jaw. I lift my chin, allowing him more access, but don't return his touch.

"I can think of something that might help keep your mind off of it." He mumbles, sucking the skin on my neck softly.

"Mm, that's sounds nice," I say, and place my hand on his chest to push him back. "but I have to get ready for work."

"Yeah, me too." He presses a chaste kiss on my lips and flips the covers off of himself to get out of bed. I watch him walk over to the closet to find clothes and he turns back to face me, pulling his pants up his legs. "Big day today?"

"Sort of." I exhale heavily and sit up on the mattress. "I have a lot of meetings this week, so I will be preparing for those all day."

"Anything seem promising?" He raises his eyebrows at me and buttons up his shirt.

"Yeah, actually." I swing my legs off the side of the bed and stand up, my silk nightgown falling to the top of my thighs. "A few potential partnerships with some expanding hotel chains. Phoebe hasn't filled me in on all the details yet, but I'm sure we'll find the time."

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now