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I've spent the last two hours getting ready for this company party with lots of help from Phoebe. We went shopping this morning because I didn't have anything I felt was impressive enough to wear to this event that would be filled with high brow, snooty hoteliers and people whose pinky rings cost more than my entire wardrobe.

I settled on a gorgeous, deep red, fitted evening gown that hangs all the way to the floor. A slit on one side comes almost all the way up to my hip, allowing one leg to sneak out when I walk.

"You look fucking incredible." She says, standing behind me as I look at myself in the full length mirror.

"You don't think it's too much?" I ask suddenly unsure. "I feel like a snob."

"Shut up, right now." She rolls her eyes at me and grabs my clutch from where it lays on the bed. "Alex's jaw is going to be broken from how fast it hits the floor when he sees you."

"Oh, Alex isn't coming. He has to work late."

"Oh." She mumbles, raising her eyebrows at me. "Maybe someone else's jaw will break when he sees you."

"Stop that." I scold her and take my bag from her hand.

"Your car is downstairs." She says, checking her phone. "You look amazing, Violet, don't overthink it."

Phoebe walks downstairs with me and waves from the sidewalk as the car pulls away. I'm doing my best to stay as calm as possible. I'm really annoyed at Alex for making me walk into this party alone. He said he had to work, and I know he's busy, but something about the way he said it makes me think he's still upset with me.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts as the driver pulls up to the event center that was booked for tonight, and my mouth drops open. It's gorgeous. The all white building shines as the spotlights hit the columns lining the front. When my gaze drops, I'm less impressed seeing a massive set of stairs leading up to the door. Of course there are stairs.

I thank the driver when he opens the door for me and I step out. A few heads turn to look at me and I drop my shoulders, exhaling a big breath.

You're supposed to be here. You belong here.

I repeat this over and over in my head as I approach the concrete stairs that lead up to the building, trying to convince myself it's true. I'm about to take the first step when I feel a hand brush along my lower back and I pause.

"No escort, huh?" Harry says when I look up to find him next to me.

He's wearing a three piece suit, his tie happens to be almost the exact same color red as the dress I'm wearing. If you didn't know us, you'd think we came together.

"He's running late." I lie, not wanting to hear whatever snide thing he has to say about Alex not even showing up. "No arm candy for you tonight?"

He rolls his eyes at my tone and I try not to smile, knowing I'm already pushing his buttons.

"I guess I'm free to be yours, for now." He says and holds his arm out for me to take. "At least let me help you up these stairs in those heels."

I contemplate telling him I don't need his help, but when I look again at how steep the steps in front of me are, I exhale in defeat. I loop my arm underneath his and hold onto his bicep.

"Thank you." I whisper and glance up at him.

"You look stunning, Violet." He says softly, his eyes sincere when he looks back at me. "Let's go."

I hold onto him tightly as we ascend the staircase. I stumble once, grateful for him when he places his hand over mine on his arm and pauses to allow me to steady myself.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now