Epilogue -1

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Six months later

"Harry!" I giggle as he buries his face in my neck and slides his hand over my hip.

"Are you wearing panties under this dress?" He asks hotly with his lips against my throat, making me squeeze my thighs together.

"Harry." I warn, glancing to the front seat where his driver, Ray, is doing nothing but minding his own business. I smack his hand off me when he tries to slip it under the slit in my dress.

"I'm just wondering if it's going to be a little tradition we keep." He holds his hand up innocently, despite the look on his face being anything but. "You didn't wear any on my birthday last year."

"We weren't going to a grand opening event for the new hotel last year." I tell him as the car pulls up to the curb and stops.
"Thank you, Ray." I smile at him in the rearview mirror and he dips his chin at me, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Wait, wait-" Harry says hurriedly and opens the door on his side. I watch out the window as he jogs around the back of the car and pulls my door open for me. I smile up at him and his dimples pop in his cheeks as he holds his hand out to me, the light coming from inside the hotel glinting off his wedding ring.

I take his hand and step out onto the sidewalk, smoothing my dress down my thighs. I'm wearing a mid-length, black satin, corset top dress that splits up the side, running almost all the way up to my hip. The fabric feels like a second skin, hugging every curve of my tits, waist and hips perfectly. So perfectly that Harry and I almost didn't make it out of the house when he saw me in it.

He holds his arm out for me to take, but I'm too consumed by looking up at the building before us. This hotel is bigger than the other one, at least fifteen more floors stacked on top of it. Excitement swirls in my stomach when my eyes fall to the front door. Light and music are pouring out of it, the product of all our hard work for the past year waiting inside for us to see.

"You are stunning, baby." Harry says softly. I turn my head to look at him and find his eyes haven't left me once. I trail my gaze down his body, taking in his black suit and the black satin pocket square that matches my dress. He could make anything look good, but Harry in a suit takes my breath away every god damn time.

I loop my arm with his and run my hand over his bicep. "God, my husband is so fucking hot."

"Violet..." he growls and starts to walk us toward the hotel. He's been trying to fuck me since he got home this afternoon and I was wearing nothing but a robe, doing my makeup to get ready.

"You know how I get at parties." I giggle as we walk up the few steps to the front doors that are propped open. "Especially when we are all dressed up." We step inside and I'm taken aback by how beautifully decorated the lobby is. Everything carefully coordinated to complement the color palette that I chose for the space. I'm not distracted for too long though, enjoying pushing Harry's buttons.
"I do love this dress, but all I can think about is you ripping it off of me later."

Harry stiffens next to me and I grin to myself. He turns his head to say something, but before he can, we're interrupted.

"Styles!" An older gentleman in a simple black and white suit steps in front of us. I recognize him as one of the head board members, but I can't think of his name. He holds his hand out to Harry and he immediately takes it. I watch as his flustered demeanor disappears in an instant, replaced by a cool, collected smile as he shifts into CEO mode.
I cross my ankles where we stand, squeezing my thighs together. He's so fucking hot.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now