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Harry took me home late Saturday afternoon. He stopped trying to convince me to stay, but he hung around for awhile in my apartment with me to make sure I would be alright by myself. He double checked the new locks the maintenance man put on my brand new door, and made sure the windows were locked as well.

I flipped the couch cushions around so that the slash marks weren't visible, fixing it for now, at least until I have time to go get a new couch. Harry asked me a hundred times if I was okay staying here, and he programmed his number in my phone to be number one on speed dial. I assured him the best I could that I would be okay and I would call him if anything weird happened.

After lingering in the doorway for a second, and reminding me to lock the door behind him, he left. I'm honestly barely even thinking about someone breaking into my apartment. I've decided it was just a random person, probably looking for money, and the odds of them coming back are slim. If they do come back, this time they'll be met at the door with a big knife in my hand.

I've had to fight off the feeling of how much I miss Harry. As soon as he left it was like he took all the warmth with him. It scares me how much I feel myself getting attached to him again. I was by myself for a long time, until I finally gave in to Alex and agreed to be his girlfriend. Once that happened, I clung to him.

I missed the feeling of being close to someone, and never getting enough of them. I had to force it with Alex, to the point I was a little clingy and annoying because we both knew it wasn't a natural feeling for us. With Harry though, it's almost as if nothing has changed in the time we've been apart.

I know that's dumb to say, because literally everything has changed, but despite all of it, he still gives me the same feeling in the pit of my stomach. Sometimes when I look at him I'm taken right back in time to when we were nineteen having a picnic on the hood of his car, or sneaking into bars downtown. He asked me if I ever wished I could go back, but he has no idea that I go there almost every time I look in his eyes.

I smile to myself, memories running through my mind, as I approach the hotel, and jump when my cell phone rings. I dig it out of my bag and smirk when I see who is on the caller I.D.

"You're obsessed with me." I mumble when I flip my phone open.

"Proudly." I can practically hear his grin through the phone and smile when I walk through the lobby to the elevators. "I just wanted to make sure-"

"Make sure I'm still alive?" I cut him off and step in when the doors open to head upstairs. A hand shoots between the doors just before they close and I try to hide the smirk on my face when I see it's Harry, also holding his phone to his ear.

"Something like that." He mumbles and flips his phone closed. The doors close behind him and as soon as they do, he's pushing me up against the wall.

I gasp in surprise when he crashes his lips onto mine, but melt into him within seconds. He hums against my mouth when I moan softly and lace my fingers in his hair. He grips my hips lightly over my dress, rubbing his thumbs over my still sensitive skin.

The elevator dings and as fast as he was on me, he's off me again. He wipes his hand over his mouth to hide a grin at my slightly disheveled appearance and I smooth my hands down my dress, glaring up at him. The doors open and he immediately steps out, leaving me by myself. He's pushing all of my buttons, and it's not even eight a.m.

I quickly follow after him, smiling at Lynette when she gives us both a suspicious look. He walks into the conference room, and attempts to shut the door behind him, swinging it back, right into my face. I push it open before it clicks and close it behind me.

"Didn't we talk about this?!" I whisper-yell at him when he sits in a chair at the head of the table.

"Hi, Violet, is there something I can help you with?" He asks way too professionally and leans forward on the table with his hands clasped together.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now