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Holy shit.

First of all, I want to thank everyone that's been on this journey with me and made it to the end of these books. I started H and Vi's story when I was on maternity leave after having my baby. It's been over TWO years since then and I can't believe what this has turned into not only for me, but other people as well.

These characters and their story are incredibly near and dear to my heart. I can assure you every time you've been angry, upset or even shed a tear I've been right there with you. It's bittersweet to have it end, but they deserve their happy ending.

That being said...

I am planning on writing a short little novella to allow us to continue into their happy ever after with them. We experienced so much pain and suffering, I think it's only fair we get to enjoy the fluff as well.

A super special thank you to my friends that have encouraged and supported me along the way.

B- this literally never would've left my drafts if it wasn't for you telling me to "just publish it bitch." Everyone say thank you, B.

E- thanks for letting me blow up your phone at any time of day when a random idea floats into my head. My human sounding board for real.

T- your love of this story and these characters and the way you relate to them helped me realize that this matters. I love that our shared love of storytelling brought us back together after so many years.

This is surreal that all the blood, sweat and tears I've put into this is coming to an end. If you'd like to join me in the next chapter of H and Vi's life, please do. But if you'd rather leave their happy ending where it stands, that's okay too.

I appreciate you being here and taking this journey with us.

-Em 🤍

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now