H -14

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There's been absolutely no work done this afternoon by either of us.

Violet has been talking in circles for awhile now, mostly avoiding the topic of her former relationship with Alex. I don't mind it though. I know letting her talk to get it all out helps ease the anxiety she feels, and I'm happy to be the person that listens. I'm happy she'll talk to me at all.

She told me about when she first moved here and how scary it was to be in this huge city all by herself. How she got her first job at what she called the "most pretentious place you can get an eight dollar espresso." She hated every minute of it, but it got her by until she started her internship a year later.

She had a hard time making friends at first, since everyone is so different compared to back home. Once she started to get used to the way things are here and adapted to the people around her, it got easier.

Any time I think she's going to mention me, or the way she felt, or how she had to cope after she left, she changes the direction of the conversation. I don't think she even knows she does it. She wasn't kidding when she said she doesn't talk about me. She's perfected avoiding the topic. It's a little painful for me to see how she's practically wiped me clean out of her life, like I didn't exist to her, after we broke up. I can't say I blame her though. Remembering is the only thing that's worse than forgetting.

"Violet, Violet." I chuckle and interrupt her five minute long tangent on why her professor in color theory was wrong about blue being a sad color. "Can I ask you something?"

She pauses and looks up at me for a second. She sticks her fork in the take away box of fried rice and sets it on the desk in front of her.

"I guess..." She mumbles.

"This is the most talkative I've seen you in awhile." She tilts her head to the side a little, unsure where I'm going with this. "How do you really feel about your break up with Alex today?"

"What are you trying to dig out of me by talking about this, Harry?" She levels her eyes at me and I know she can read me just as well as I can read her.

"It's just a question." I say lowly. She exhales a big breath and blows her hair out of her face, leaning forward a little.

"Honestly?" She says and I nod my head yes at her. "It's a huge relief."

"It's a relief that you caught him dry humping his secretary?" I challenge her and she laughs loudly.

"The initial shock was not a relief." She clarifies and shakes her head. "I mean, I had an inkling that something was going on, but actually seeing it first-hand was something else entirely. I wasn't prepared for that." I nod my head, waiting for her to continue. "I don't know why I didn't call him on it sooner. I guess I've been feeling a little guilty myself."

"For what?" I prompt her and she smirks at me. She knows I'm fishing.

"Emotionally, I haven't really been invested in the relationship."

"Why not?" I lean forward again and my knee brushes against hers. Her eyes fall to where we touch and she smirks slightly.

"Harry..." my name comes out of her mouth as a warning, and it sends a chill down my spine, "don't."

"I'm not doing anything." I whisper and rest my elbows on my thighs. My hands are clasped together and fall between her knees slightly.

"You sure do work fast." She puts her foot on the bottom of the chair between my legs and pushes me back away from her, the chair scraping along the hardwood floor.

"I've wasted enough time with you." I mumble lowly and her head snaps up to look at me.

"This is not the time or place for this conversation." She starts to gather the trash from our dinner and stands up from her seat.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now