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"Phoebe, do not do what I think you're about to do." I scold my friend through the phone.

"I'm gonna fucking kill her, is what I'm going to do." She grumbles. I hear rustling in the background and for a second I'm afraid she's looking for something sharp, like a ball point pen or letter opener.

"Don't do anything rash, Phoebe. I'm coming down there." I say in my best boss voice and hang up before she can protest.

We finally hired a new designer, after weeks of searching for Christina's replacement. We both thought she seemed like a good fit, but apparently as soon as her desk was assigned, all she's done is kick her feet up on it. Phoebe informed me that Natalie is attempting to make her the office errand boy, and that never goes over well with either of us. Phoebe may be young, but she's earned her place just like every last person in that office.

I slip off my heels and shove them into my bag before putting my more comfortable loafers on, preparing for the walk to my office. I pull out my phone and head for the door. I'm in the middle of shooting a text to Harry, who has had meetings all day, as I round the corner and run face first into a solid, muscled chest.

I stumble back with a grunt, dropping my phone as a hand shoots out to steady me, gripping my upper arm before I'm let go. Surrounded by the scent of a familiar vanilla and bergamot cologne, I know what's going on before I even look up.

"Cameron..." I say suspiciously as my eyes trail up to the shit eating grin on his face.

"Looking good today, Violet." He says the most annoyingly charming thing possible, while smacking the gum in his mouth.

I quickly bend down to pick my phone up off the floor without breaking eye contact with Cam and bring it up to my ear. I hear a phone ring across the office and when it cuts off after the second ring, I don't even let him get a word out.

"Call off your puppy, Styles. I don't need a guard dog."

"Not happening, babe." He says. I can almost hear the dimples popping in his cheeks.

"How did the two of you know I was leaving, anyway?" I furrow my eyebrows and Cam starts talking before Harry can answer.

"Phoebe called me first." He shrugs.

"The three of you are plotting against me?" I gasp.

"Easy, Vi." Harry mumbles on the other end of the phone. "We want to keep you safe. I'm swamped with meetings today, so in place of me, Cam is the next best thing. Actually, give him the phone."

I shove my cell at Cameron and he happily takes it. "Yeah, boss?"

I roll my eyes at him, but step forward a little to hear what Harry is saying.

"Take care of my girl, or it's your ass." Harry threatens, making my heart flutter against my will. I want to be mad at all of them so bad.

"Like she's my own." Cam says immediately, which causes a lightbulb to go off in my head.

"You know those reporters are going to have a field day with this, right?" I say to Harry when I snatch my phone back, making him pause.

"Violet," I hear him shuffle before I turn my head to find his office door swinging open. "Don't do anything to-"

"Remember, this is your fault!" I shout at Harry across the room and slam my phone closed before I grab Cam's hand and pull him toward the elevator.

I drop his hand and push the door close button and immediately we begin to descend to the lobby. I bite the inside of my cheek, smiling smugly, when I feel a pair of grey eyes on me.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now