H -46

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"Ask him about Sara." Niall says flatly and my skin burns hot looking at him.

I feel Violet staring a hole through my head as she stands next to me, but I can't even see past the rage running through me aimed at Niall right now. She turns and walks out of the room, and I'm battling internally if I should follow her, or if I should lunge at Niall over this fucking table.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I growl and stand up out of my chair. "What was the point of doing that to her?"

"Don't try to blame me for this." He scoffs and rises to his feet as well. "This wouldn't have happened if you would've just told her everything in the first place."

"That's not your decision to make." I sneer and step around the table toward him, which he mirrors, until we are almost chest to chest.
"Why do you care so much anyway?"

"Because I fucking care about you!" He shouts and shoves me back away from him. "I care about her too, and the longer this goes on, Harry, the worse it will be."

"I didn't ask you to play god damn matchmaker, Niall!" I shout back. "You have no right."

"Maybe not, but if it weren't for me, you two never would've been in the same room again." He says firmly. "So, I suggest you grow up, and go tell her the truth, no matter how much it fucking hurts."

I shove him away from me, and consider hitting him for a split second, before Mia wedges herself between us.

"That's enough!" She yells and plants one hand on each of our chests to keep us apart, like children.
"You guys can have a pissing contest later, but Harry, you need to go find Violet. Now."

I lock eyes with her, and she looks just as mad at me as Violet does, I'm sure. I slowly back away from them before I turn around and practically run out of the house. I open the door and find Violet halfway to the car, and I quickly fly down the stairs to catch up with her.

"Don't leave." I beg when I reach her. I put my hand on her arm, but she shakes me off, which makes my heart sink. I take two big steps and turn around so I'm in front of her, blocking her path.
"Violet, please, just let me explain."

"What the fuck just happened in there?" She says, her voice raised to where she's almost yelling. "I have never seen him act like that."

"I know-"

"Sara?" She spits out at me, the name dripping with venom off her tongue. "Harry, what the fuck aren't you telling me?"

She pulls the car keys out of her pocket, which I'm not sure how she got in the first place, since I drove. Her hands are shaking as she fiddles with them to find the right one, and she drops them. Without even thinking, I bend down, beating her hand to grab them from the gravel at our feet and stick them in my pocket. When my eyes find hers again, guilt rips through me.

Her face is hard, angry. Her jaw is set as she looks up at me and there's a crease between her eyebrows that only appears when she's really upset. She's blinking quickly, and I know it's to keep back the tears threatening to spill out.

"Please, don't leave." I ask again, softer this time, knowing if she really wants to go, I won't force her to stay.

"You're scaring me." She says back in a whisper and I feel like I could fall to my knees when a single, silent tear runs down her face.

"Let me explain." I plead with her and she stares up at me.

"Explain, then." She demands and crosses her arms over her chest.

"I, uh-" I stutter out and run my hand through my hair nervously.

She nods her head once and steps around me, but I grab her hand. She rips it out of my hold and whirls around to face me.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now