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I wake up this morning with Violet tucked into my side, snoring, her air dried hair a mess splayed out on my chest. I inhale a relieved breath seeing she's sleeping peacefully, the side of her face red from where she's been pressed against my side all night.

I glance up at the clock on her nightstand and see it's nearly nine-thirty a.m.

"Shit." I whisper to myself. I have a meeting at ten.

I've never slept as hard as I do when I'm with Violet. Something about her calms me to the point where the world could be ending outside, but I don't have a single worry as long as she's next to me.

I attempt to slide out of bed without waking her, not wanting to disrupt her rare, tranquil state. I manage to slip out from underneath her and stand up next to the bed, pausing to make sure she's still sleeping. When a soft snore escapes her, I know I was successful. I run my hand through my hair and exhale in relief, but when I look down, my stomach falls.

I'm naked, and I have no new clothes to go to work in.

"Fuck." I mumble and grab the throw blanket at the foot of her bed to wrap around myself. I search for my clothes from yesterday, but I find she must have missed the hamper when she threw our towels, and they landed right on my pile of clothes.

I head out to the living room and quietly close the door behind me. I grab Violet's cell phone from the counter and call the only person I can think of to help me right now.


"It's Harry." I mumble and pinch the bridge of my nose between my fingers.

"If you wanted my number you could just ask." Phoebe says sarcastically.

"I need your help." I ignore her comment and pull the blanket tighter around my shoulders.

"Is Violet okay?" She asks a little nervously.

"Violet is fine, she's sleeping." I respond immediately. "I just- I need you to go to my place and get me some clothes."

"Don't want to do the walk of shame in yesterday's outfit, eh?" She laughs and I smile despite myself. "We've all been there, Harry, no need to be embarrassed."

"Can you just do it, please?"

"Please?" She laughs again. "You really are in a bind. I'll do it, but it'll cost you."

"I don't like the way you said that." I sigh and run my hand over my face. "What do you want, Phoebe?"

"Cam keeps asking about a double date with you two." She starts and I bite the inside of my cheek. "He didn't want to ask you because you'll tell him no, and I didn't want to ask Violet, because she'll tell me no."

"So, now you're trapping me into saying yes, in my time of need?"

"Precisely." I can practically hear her grin through the phone.

"Fine." I grumble. "But if you bring me something goofy to wear, the deal is off."

"Fine." She agrees. Before I hang up, I tell her I'll leave the key to my place on the doormat for her to grab, since I can't take it down to her without giving the women in the office a show.

"What are you doing?" A tired voice asks from the hall and I turn around from where I'm sat on the couch, still wrapped in a blanket.

"Good morning, sunshine." I smile at Violet, who glares at me.

Her hair is a wild mess, she's incessantly rubbing her eye and squinting at the light pouring in from the windows at the front of the room. She ties the silk robe covering her closed, and raises her eyebrows at me, still waiting for an answer.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now