H -49

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It took us about forty-five minutes to get to the hospital, and that's even with me speeding. Violet was damn near pushing my leg down on the accelerator to hurry us up.

Apparently we beat everyone else here, because the waiting room is empty. Violet is asking a nurse what room Sophia Parker is in when I catch the doors to my left opening out of the corner of my eye.

"It's a boy! It's a boy!" Cas comes bounding into the room, tears in his eyes and pure elation all over his face as he runs to meet his sister.

"Oh my god! It's a boy?!" Violet shouts back as Cas picks her up and twirls her around. I laugh softly to myself when he sets her back down and she stumbles, a little disoriented. "That was fucking fast?"

"We barely made it in time." He says quickly. "Sophie is incredible, oh my god. I love that woman."

"Congratulations, Cas." I say sincerely and he wraps his arms around both me and Violet.

"Come meet my son." He says pulling us through the doors with him.

Once we get inside the room, Cas shifts into dad mode, his energy becoming much calmer than it was a second ago. Violet shrugs his arm off of her and I watch her face closely as she spots the bassinet in the corner of the room. She covers her mouth with her hands and tears spring up in her eyes before she turns to the woman smiling in the hospital bed next to it.

"Sophie, oh my god." Violet says in a whisper and immediately goes over to her sister-in-law. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Violet." Sophie laughs softly when Violet leans over the bed to give her a hug and kiss her forehead. "Do you want to meet your nephew?"

"Oh my god, I have a nephew." Violet mumbles through tears and I have to bite my lip to hold back a laugh at her frantic, overwhelmed state.
"Wait, come here." She holds her hand out toward me and I quickly step forward to take it.
"Soph, this is my boyfriend, Harry."

"Oh, yes. I know all about you." She says with a smirk.

"I'm not sure if I should be flattered, or scared." I chuckle and Sophie laughs softly with me.
"It's lovely to meet you. Congratulations."

"Thank you." She whispers and Violet pulls me with her to stand next to the bassinet.

I wrap my arm around her, pulling her into my side as we look down at the incredibly small person in front of us. The baby is wrapped in a little blue blanket and a matching hat, he's sleeping peacefully and every few seconds a tiny snore escapes him.

I turn to look at Violet and find tears freely cascading down her cheeks as she looks at her nephew. I squeeze her hip and she leans into me before she looks up at her brother.

"What's his name?" She whispers, so she doesn't wake the baby.

"Ryan." Cas says with a smile. "Ryan Samuel Parker."

"Yours and dad's middle names." She says softly and he nods.

"Thank god you didn't go with first names because Maverick Caspian would be nuts." I joke and Violet playfully smacks her hand against my chest.

"You can hold him, if you want, Violet." Sophie suggests and Vi looks up at her with big eyes.

"Really?" She asks and when they both nod their heads, she immediately scoops Ryan up in her arms.

I watch in awe as Violet holds him to her chest and gently bounces from foot to foot, rocking him. Tears roll down her face as she closes her eyes and I carefully guide her to sit back on the couch behind us. She lays the baby on her knees and his eyes flutter open to look at her and she gasps softly.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now