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Phoebe and Mia have been doing my hair and makeup for the last forty-five minutes. Sophie stayed downstairs with Angela to finish setting up the last decorations in and around the house, now that I'm here and aware what's going on. Anne is sitting next to me at this makeshift vanity in the loft area upstairs, holding my hand as we all talk about nothing and everything at the same time.

"Okay..." Mia says as I feel her push one last pin into my hair. "I think our girl is ready."

Phoebe swipes lipgloss across my bottom lip and stands up straight, looking down at me proudly. Mia walks around my chair and grabs Phoebe's hand, both of them looking down at me like proud mothers.

"Okay," I laugh softly, "let me see."

"No!" They both say at the same time, making me jump a little.

"You can look when we have the whole finished product." Phoebe says excitedly. I furrow my brows at her and we all turn toward the door when it opens.

"Perfect timing, Gem." Mia says, clapping her hands together.

Gemma comes through the door with a long, white garment bag in her hands. She hangs the bag off of a light fixture on the wall and I cover my mouth with my hands when I realize what it is.

"Gemma, did you-"

"Before you start, it's no big deal." She cuts me off with a smile. "There's nothing I'd rather do than make a wedding dress for my future sister-in-law."

"Oh my god!" I exclaim as tears brim my eyes. I stand up from my seat, the silk robe I'm wearing closed tightly around me, and rush over to her for a hug.

"You haven't even seen it yet," she mumbles into my curled hair, "you might hate it."

"It's perfect." I say firmly. "I know it."

"This is from Phoebe and I." Mia says and I turn around to find she's holding a black box with a bow on top. "Mama Anne, you may want to step out for this."

"Hint taken." She says, holding her hands up in front of her. "I will be right back."

Once Anne has left the room, and is safely behind the door, I pull the top off the box. I unfold the tissue paper and my eyes land on the most gorgeous, white lace lingerie set I've ever seen. A blush crawls up my neck and I giggle when I pull it out of the box.

"Harry is going to have heart palpitations when he sees you in your dress, but this..." Phoebe gestures to the set in my hands, "this is gonna kill him dead."

"Alright, alright." Gemma says with a laugh. "Sister is still in the room. Let's get you in this dress, Violet."

I strip my robe off and quickly slip the lingerie on, loving how the expensive lace feels against my skin. Gemma unzips the garment bag and my heart flips when I see the gorgeous white dress inside. I cover my mouth with my hand as she pulls it out and I'm utterly speechless at how beautiful it is.

Gemma says the dress is basically backless, so I have to take off the bra, leaving me in just panties and a garter. Harry might prefer this to the whole set, actually.
She undoes the zipper on the back and they all help slide the fabric over my hair and makeup and down into place. My mouth falls open when I look down at the silky fabric draped over my body as Gemma does up the back and I'm shocked at how perfectly it fits me.

"Mum!" Gemma shouts, letting Anne know she can come back in. "Close your eyes, Violet." She says to me and I immediately do as I'm told.

I hear some shuffling around and feel Gemma splay out the train behind me. The door closes, telling me Anne has returned, and my stomach is twisting with the anticipation.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now