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Harry and I left my dad's late last night. We ended up staying up for a few more hours, watching movies and ordering room service until we finally fell asleep.

When Angela and I returned to the apartment, both of us with a cup of ice cream in our hand, the look on their faces were hilarious. Offended that we just ditched them.

I felt better after talking to Angela a little bit about my current relationship with my brother. She assured me that Cas is just as stubborn as I am, but there's nothing that could make him stop loving me. I told her I would reach out to him and make a plan to see him before we left. He and Sophie could have the baby any day now, and I really don't want my niece or nephew coming into the world with some animosity remaining between us.

Now I'm sitting on the couch, in Harry's parents house, watching Harry lay on his stomach on the floor next to Macy as she does her homework. Anne and Bobby are out shopping, and Mia and Niall are god knows where, doing god knows what, so it's just us in the house right now.

"No- Mace," Harry says sweetly and points to the page open in her book, "read exactly what it says, the question is trying to trick you."

"Well, it worked." She groans and throws her head into her hands. Harry chuckles and rubs his hand on her back to comfort her before he glances up at me. I smile at him and my stomach flips when he winks at me, before he tries to get her focused again.

Something is happening to me watching him be so patient and kind helping Macy with her homework, even though she's frustrated and giving him a hard time. Why does he seem even hotter right now, which I did not even think was possible?

I can't fight off the idea popping into my head of being in our own house one day, exactly how we are now, but he's helping our daughter with her homework.

My face flushes red and I shake my head, trying to rid myself of that thought. Not that I don't think it could happen, I just think it might be a little premature to be daydreaming about having his children.

He does look fucking good right now, though.

"Hi." Mia says right in my ear, causing me to almost jump out of my skin. "What are you so deep in thought about?" She giggles and leans over the back of the couch to give me some sort of hug.

Harry glances up at me again, his eyebrows raised, and I quickly turn around to look at Mia.

"I don't remember. Do you need help?" I ask quickly and stand up from the couch.

"Yeah, actually." She says when I follow her into the kitchen. "Anne and Bobby are going on a date tonight, so dinner is our responsibility."
I'm standing next to her at the island, but my head is turned, watching Harry make Macy laugh when she's on the verge of tears from frustration.
"Looks like Harry is comfortable playing daddy for the night."

"What? Don't say that." I mumble and start to unpack the groceries from the bag she set on the counter.

"I know that look," she says smugly and I do my best to ignore her, "it's the same one you had in London. You're thinking about a future with him."

"Mia-" I grab her hand and pull her towards me, whispering, "can you shut up? It's a little soon to even think about these things, let alone say them out loud. I don't want to freak him out."

"Freak him out?" She scoffs and laughs softly. "He would knock you up right now, if you asked him to."

"Okay-" I mumble and set the groceries I picked up back on the counter, "I'm done talking to you. Make dinner by yourself."

I leave her in the kitchen, alone, cackling like a witch, and step out onto the back porch, desperately feeling like I need some fresh air. I inhale deeply and close my eyes, running my hand over my flushed face.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum