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I've worked super late the last few nights, so I decided to give myself a break and take today off.

Phoebe brought all of my things from Alex's apartment to mine over the past few days. Any spare time I've had has been spent sorting, organizing and going through the things I kept there. I actually didn't realize it was so much. I've donated most of the things I bought to decorate his place. They all just remind me of him.

I've spent most of the day shopping, treating myself to a few new outfits and some decor to liven up the apartment I haven't really lived in for the last six months. It's kind of nice to have my own space again. Something that's totally and completely mine.

The cab driver helps me with my bags when we pull up to my apartment and I set them in the stoop of the office before I carry them up the stairs. This guy seems nice enough, but I don't really want him to know I live here too. I gave all of the girls an impromptu day off since Phoebe is gone and I won't be there, so the office is empty.

I wait for the cab to pull away and disappear down the street before I pull my keys out. I manage to get all of my bags in one hand and under my arm to head up the stairs.

I freeze on the top step when I find the door to my apartment is ajar. I know for a fact I shut and locked it this morning. My stomach sinks to my feet and I hurry back down the stairs, not risking going inside.

I unlock the door to the office and hurry in, shutting and locking it behind me. I throw my bags on the nearest desk and pull my phone out of my pocket. I call the police and tell them I think my apartment has been broken into, and they let me know they won't have someone available to respond for at least thirty minutes.

I take a few deep breaths after I hang up to try and steady myself. The unsettling feeling in my stomach refuses to pass thinking about the possibility of someone still being in my apartment directly above me.

I consider seeing if Mrs. Martinez is home, but I know she works around this time, and Phoebe is out of town visiting her family. There goes the only two people I know who could help me. Unless...

I flip my phone open again and search through my contacts, sighing in relief when I find the name I hoped would be there.

"Hello, this is Harry." His voice is guarded and somewhat professional when he picks up. I realize I never reached out after he gave me his number, so he doesn't have mine saved.

"Harry, it's me." My voice wavers a little.

"Violet?" He pauses. "What's wrong?"

"I- um, I think someone broke into my place, and the cops won't be here for awhile." I explain quickly and hear movement on the line as he listens.

"Are you okay? Where are you now?"

"I'm fine, I wasn't home." I whisper, feeling like I should be quiet, in case whoever broke in is still up there. "I'm downstairs."

"Stay where you are." I hear keys rattle and a door shut as he speaks. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Thank you." I breathe out a sigh of relief and hang up.

I sit in one of the desks that's more shielded from the windows, but I'm still able to see outside. I hunch down a little when anyone walks by, but no one seems to look in or notice me. I hear the roar of Harry's car pull up to the curb after a few long minutes and stand up to unlock the door. He slams his car door shut and hurries inside when I hold the door open for him.

He grabs my shoulders and runs his hands down my arms, his eyes scanning over me. His hands come up to cup my face, his eyes a little panicked.

"Are you okay? You're fine?" He asks.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now