H -35

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After over an hour of stalling, I left for work before Violet even woke up. It seems we are falling into something of a routine in these mornings together.

Many moments with Violet I've made a note in my mind to remember as my favorite, but kissing her forehead and whispering that I love her, as she sleeps peacefully in my bed, may just be top of the list.

She called me two hours later and let me know that she would be heading to her own office this morning to do some work. In the middle of her telling me her plans for the day, I think she realized what she was doing. I didn't ask what she had on her agenda today, she just filled me in like it was the most natural thing. I played it off by telling her I appreciated knowing she would be with Phoebe, especially after last night.

I barely got any sleep. I stayed awake for hours listening to her breathe, running my fingers through her hair. I was afraid she'd have a nightmare, despite the sleeping pill she took, to prevent it I'm sure. I wanted to be awake if it happened, I wanted to be there for her and ready to comfort her.

She was so terrified last night after her run in with that guy. Run in is generous, and gives him the benefit of the doubt. The idea that she's being stalked has crossed my mind a few times, but it's a hideous thought, and one I would rather not share with her until I had proof.

I've spent my entire morning holed up in my office reviewing the security footage from outside the hotel, to see if I can spot anyone that fits the description she gave. I'm trying to narrow down the time frame, but the only hint she gave me was that she was smoking when she saw him. She thinks she's sneaky about it, but I know she runs off to have a cigarette more than she'd probably like to admit. A bad habit I kick myself for giving to her.

My phone rings all of a sudden, snapping me out of my thoughts. I expect it to be Violet, but the name on the caller I.D. catches me off guard.

"When did you get your hands on my phone to add your contact to it?" I ask accusingly.

"I wanted to make sure you answered when I called." Phoebe says flatly on the other end. "It's not important how. I'm calling to see how Violet is doing."

"Isn't she at the office?" I ask, a pit forming in my stomach.

"She is, god, relax, Harry." Phoebe chuckles and my face falls in annoyance. "I can practically hear the vein popping in your forehead. You really think I would let her out of my sight?"

"No." I mumble honestly. "I don't."

"She only tells me certain things." She says quietly, sounding a little defeated. "I'm her best friend, and I didn't even know her panic attacks were so severe that she needed an inhaler. So, I'm calling you, Harry, to check up on her. Because you obviously know more than I do."

"That's killing you, isn't it?" I smirk and I hear her sigh.


"You know Violet's going to kill you if she finds out you called me about this, right?"

"Yes, Harold, just answer the goddamn question." Phoebe snaps and I snort a laugh.

"She's dealing with it." I say lowly and run my hand over my face. "She's talking about what's been happening, opening up, which we both know is not typical for her. She's scared, Phoebe, and she's confused, but Violet is one hell of a woman. She'll be okay."

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now