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I decided to head to the hotel after work today to move my stuff from Harry's office to the one Lynette found for me.

I called him last night to ask how his meeting went and he said he was only a little late, but it worked in his favor because it made them squirm a little. He said they finally were able to come to a consensus and make a deal, and he wants to take me out this week to celebrate. I smile to myself thinking about him asking me on a second date, and how his first thought after a win is to celebrate with me, as I walk the few blocks home from the hotel.

I hold my keys between my fingers and walk quickly down the dimly lit street with one of my earbuds in. The song ends, and in the brief moment of silence before the next one starts, I hear a second set of footsteps on the pavement behind me. I glance over my shoulder and my stomach drops when I see someone walking about fifty feet behind me. They're wearing dark clothes, a hood pulled low over their face and their hands are in their pockets.

I pull my earbud out of my ear and shove my mp3 player in my pocket, readjusting my keys between my fingers.

He's probably not following me, at least that's what I'm trying to convince myself. I've been incredibly paranoid after my apartment was broken into, and it doesn't help that the cops never followed up, so I just have to live with knowing whoever did it won't be caught.

I grip my cell phone in my hand, but I'm afraid if I pull it out to dial someone, I'll be distracted and they'll catch up to me. I glance over my shoulder again and it appears whoever is behind me has slowed down, putting some distance between us and I exhale softly, a little relieved.

I can see my building less than a block away and walk a little faster toward it. I debate whether or not I should even turn into my staircase, because then they'll know where I live and they could trap me between the buildings. I'm running out of time and I don't know what else to do, so I turn the corner around my office anyway.

I run smack into someone and bring my fist up, poking whoever it is in the stomach and scream in surprise. I feel arms wrap around me instinctively, so I don't fall from the impact, and look up to find Harry looking down at me with wide eyes.

"Ow." He mumbles and I immediately drop my hand from between us, where I was stabbing him with my keys.

"Sorry." I say breathlessly and inhale deeply, relieved that he's here. I turn around and watch the sidewalk, waiting for whoever was following me to pass, but they don't.

"Violet, what's wrong?" Harry asks, pulling my attention back to him.

"Nothing, I'm probably being stupid." I shake my head and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"The way that you're shaking tells me it's not nothing." He presses further and I sigh.

"I thought someone was following me." I admit and his eyes widen.

"Get inside." He says lowly and rounds the corner, heading back out into the street.

I sigh and immediately head up the stairs. A nervous pit forming in my stomach after I lose sight of him. When I get to the top, Mrs. Martinez opens her door.

"Violet, are you alright, honey?" She asks, eyeing me up and down, taking in my frantic demeanor. "I heard a scream."

"I'm okay, I was just startled." I smile at her tightly. "I'm sorry if I woke you."

"Did they ever find who broke in to your apartment?" She asks and I shake my head no at her. "That's probably got you spooked. If you ever need some company, you come on over."

"Yes ma'am." I smile at her. "Thank you."

Harry comes back around the corner and stops when he sees us at the top of the stairs.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now