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Eleven weeks after

After a few days of arguing back and forth with Harry to take half of my sleeping pill at night, I finally told him that I stopped having nightmares and I didn't really need them. He asked me when, and I could barely get the words out to say that the nightmares stopped as soon as Johnny died. I stopped fighting with him in my sleep, because he wasn't a threat to me in real life anymore.

I felt so guilty saying that to Harry, knowing he's been tormented by the memory of that day for months, but I actually think hearing it put him a little more at ease. He's been taking part of the medicine for a few days now, and it's helping us both get more rest. He half heartedly tried to say the since the medication is helping him sleep, he doesn't need to see the therapist anymore.

I laughed in his face.

His appointment is in two days and I will drag him there myself if I have to.

For now, he's curled around me in bed. His warm hand is pressed flat against my tummy and his breath hits my hair every few seconds. I've been trying to force myself asleep for close to two hours now, but it's just not working.

My mind is racing thinking about work. Business has picked up these last few weeks and we don't have the proper space to efficiently complete each task we're handed. The event room is plenty big enough, but we don't have enough desks, or computers, or display tables to do it right. I have to start looking for a new, permanent place for us.

I feel Harry shift on the bed behind me and he groans softly. I turn my head to look at him, concerned he's having a nightmare, until I feel him grow hard against my ass. I smile at the twisted up look on his face and wiggle myself back against him. I slowly grind myself against the bulge in his boxers.

He moans lowly, but his eyes stay closed, still transfixed in his dream. I circle myself against him a little faster and slip my hand between my legs. Maybe this is what I needed to get to sleep. It's worth a shot anyway.

My fingers find my clit and I slowly circle them as my hips grind into Harry. I wish he was inside of me right now. I moan at the thought and cover my hand with my mouth, but it's too late. His eyes open and he gasps when he feels me against him. His hand grips my hip, but I don't stop moving.

"Oh my god." He groans roughly as he pushes himself harder into me.

"Good dream?" I ask breathlessly.

"Very good, but my reality might be better." His hand cracks against my ass making me moan.

"Might?" I question, stilling my hips to look back at him with an eyebrow raised. He grins back at me and leans forward to kiss along my neck as he palms my breast in his hand. "Tell me what was so great about it then."

"We were having sex." He says softly against my skin. "You told me you wanted me to put a baby in you, so I did." I freeze and my eyes fly open at his words. We haven't messed around like that since...
I know I've missed it, but I was too shy to say that. It seems he's missed it too.

"I got you pregnant in my dream." He groans into my ear and the sound shoots lighting down my spine. "God, I could cum just thinking about it."

He sounds fucking insane. Absolutely out of his mind. I'm sure it's a combination of the sleeping pill, the horniness of the dream and the fact that I woke him up only a few hours after he fell asleep. The man is delirious. I'm not even sure he'll remember this in the morning.

I decide to take the opportunity to ask a risky question. One I've been thinking about for awhile.

"Do you want me to be pregnant?" I ask softly and he props himself up on his elbow to look at me. His previously glazed over eyes are now clear as day as they meet mine.

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now