H -23

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Everyone starts shuffling into the conference room to prepare for our meeting this afternoon, but I'm not really paying attention. Instead, I'm zoning out staring at the table, thinking about my night with Violet.

It was so refreshing to see her like that. In her own place, in her pajamas, eating pizza. She seemed more at ease than she has before, comfortable. I don't know if it was the wine or the setting that made her ask me actual personal questions, but I'm grateful for it. Even if it was embarrassing.

She barely had a reaction to what I said to her. I expected her to yell at me, or call me an asshole and kick me out. Instead, her soft eyes showed nothing but sympathy and understanding, like she knew exactly where I was coming from. She gave me the grace that I've been unable to give myself.

I hear heels click on the hardwood floor and my head swings up just in time to find Violet slipping in the door. Her lips upturn slightly at the corners when she catches my eye and nods her head once at me, respectfully. She sits next to Lynette at the end of the table, the only two women in the room, and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling back.

"Alright." I mumble and stand up from where I was leaning against the table. "First things first, quarterly bonuses are starting to roll out, so keep an eye on your checks for those."

Mumbled cheers erupt around the table and I open the file in front of me to see what's next. I can feel Violet watching my every move, her eyes burning into me, but I don't dare look at her, afraid I won't be able to keep my composure. As far as everyone in this room is concerned, we do not like each other.

"We received the timeline for the new hotel," I trail my finger down the page, looking for something. "it should be finished summer of next year."

"Long time." Mark mumbles out.

"Well, it's a big hotel, Mark." I retort. "We want it done right, not fast."

"You won't be needing me to stay here for that long, I hope." Violet's steady voice chimes in and I have to stop myself from snapping my head in her direction, like a puppy being called. "That's an awful lot of time for one project."

"It is." I agree and slowly turn to look at her. She has a small smirk on her face, her eyes bright with mischief. "That's why you have four more."

"Since when?" She says, taken by surprise.

"Since this morning." I pull another file out from under the open one and push it towards her on the table. "Remodels for the four current hotels, if you'll accept."

"I'll let my legal team have a look at this contract and get back to you." She says with a certain edge to her voice, narrowing her eyes slightly at me. I keep my face neutral, but my heart rate picks up a little.

"You don't trust me?" I deadpan, feeling the air in the room become thick, everyone uncomfortable with our little power struggle on full display.

"Not in the slightest." She smiles and closes the file again.

"I need an answer by next week." I tell her firmly and she cocks an eyebrow at me, but I'm the only one that can see the challenging expression on her face. "Okay," I mumble turning back to my own file, "with Ms. Parker interrupting...I think that covers everything I had for today."

I hear her scoff softly and bite back a smile.

"What about the merger consultation in Florida?" Someone says and I whip my head up.

"Is that happening already?" I ask.

"This upcoming week." Greg, the head of finance, reminds me.

"You leave tonight." Lynette says, "You'll be gone until next Friday."

Even If It Hurts -H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now