Prologue, Part 006 : Welcome To The Villian's World

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"Aaahhh,,, why did today turn out like this?" Ace mumbled.

"Now's not the time for mumbling," Deuce said.

Deuce looked at you and Helia, smiling. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that,"

"But we did," You responded.

"Yes, Grim was our responsibility and we roped you into it. And we wouldn't want you to get expelled because of us," Helia added, laughing softly.

"Not to mention, if we get back to our world, it would haunt us to know we got two sixteen year olds expelled in their first year," You added.

"Your.. world?" Deuce wondered aloud.

"Time is of the essence, we should probably get a move on!" Grim exclaimed.

"Right, right,," Deuce cleared his throat, looking up at the large mirror,"Magic Mirror on the wall, light our way to Dwarfs Mine!"

A bright white light flooded the room, blinding you temporarily. A gush of wind hit you in the face, accompanied by the sounds of leaves rustling, owls hooting and crickets chirping. You opened your eyes, seeing you were all in a clearing, the sun close to setting.

"So this is Dwarfs Mine?" Helia spoke, looking around the forestry.

Deuce nodded,"Yeah, it used to be prosperous thanks to magic crystal mining, but,,,"

"Uhhh..." Grim whispered, gripping onto your pants leg,"I don't like this place.. it feels like somethings gonna jump out.."

"Oh," Ace narrowed his eyes,"There's a house back there,"

You followed his gaze, and sure enough, over a bridge with a bubbling brook was a quaint little cottage.

"We could ask them for directions," he added.

"Ace," You called,"Did you miss the whole 'abandoned' part?"

He was already on the other side of the bridge.

"You never know," Deuce mumbled, following after him.

"Come on,,," Helia sang, holding your hand and dragging you over the bridge, Grim following.

Up close, the house looked much more run down and weather beaten. Deuce knocked on the door.

"Uh, good-"

The door cracked and fell off its hinges.

"I guess no one's here..." Ace mumbled.

You looked at him. "You think?"

You all walked inside and every surface was covered in a thick layer of dust, cobwebs in every corner. Some weeds were even poking out through the floorboards. The windows were even cracked, some broken too. Further in the house, in a room that appeared to have been a dining room, were seven little chairs around a small table with only three legs.

☆𝑫𝒆́𝒑𝒂𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕☆ (A TWST x Winx Club Crossover) [Temporary Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now