Chapter 17: "approval"

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•Luella's Point Of View•

"Lu? Are you awake?" I hear my mom's voice behind the locked door waking me up.

"Lewis" I whisper waking him up, "go to the bathroom"

Lewis groans with an annoyed look and walks to the bathroom with a blanket wrapped around his body.

"Hey" I open the door and my mom pulls me in a hug, "my baby, how are you?"

"Better" I whisper and she holds me tighter, "you need to get ready" "for court"

I nod and pull away, "your friends should get ready too"


Standing in court, facing the guy that abused me non stop for a whole year, was for sure the hardest thing I had to go through my whole life.

My dad almost go kicked out of court because he beat the shit out of Jason, Lewis kept wanting to join too but I kept my hand wrapped around his bicep tightly.

I chose Lewis's outfit, he wore a button up and a tie, with long dark navy pants, he didn't want to, but he had to be formal.

My eyes kept watering everytime the judge mentioned Jason's name.

My lawyer is my mom's best friend, Tina, she's amazing, she's doing all her best to help me never see Jason's face ever again.

Ben, Hazel and Keith also came to court, Ben with his parents too.

"I have pictures of Luella's bruises, 2 weeks ago from today" Tina takes the papers up to the judge and he looks at them.

My pictures get shown on the big screen for everyone to see. It was me standing in the mirror taking a picture of the huge bruises covered on my stomach.

I gulp and turn my head taking a look at Jason who's crying.

"I love Lu! I didn't mean to!" Jason yells, oh his hand just accidentally formed into fists and dropped on my body and formed bruises, the judge gives Jason a disgusted look and shakes his head.


After 2 days of trial, long hours of crying and talking about what happened between Jason and I the judge finally lifts his gavel up from the wooden piece "Jason Anderson Lee"

"You have been sentenced 20 years in Central North Carolina Prison, Today, December 23 at fair's court" he bangs his gavel making my heart drop and tears run down my cheeks.


Thank you, thank you god

Tina quickly hugs me tightly and I see my mom running to me with tears streaming down her face.

"You're safe now my love" she cries in my neck holding me tightly.

"No!" Jason shouts loudly as he gets dragged by guards.

My dad joins in the hug crying too, we're all basically crying.

I pull away and see Lewis standing behind me with watery eyes and a small smile on his lips.

He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me to his body.

"You did it Adams, my girl did it" he whispers in my ear making my heart clench tightly.

Ben and Hazel squeeze me tightly into them and I look up to see Keith smiling down at me.

"Congrats Lu" he joins the hug with us, Ben quickly pushes Lewis in the hug too.

"Just a group of besties" Ben smiles at Lewis who rolled his eyes.


"Lewis" my dad calls from behind making us stop walking to the truck.

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