Chapter 36: "his agent?"

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•Lewis's Point Of View•

I can't fucking face her.

"Fuck off" I mumble pushing past Keith but he grabs my arm.

"You're going with us, I'm not leaving you alone in this mess" he looks around my trashed apartment.

"You want me to go congratulate her parents like she didn't fucking break my damn heart 4 years ago? She never talked to me or even tried to see me ever again, and I don't care if it was 4 years ago, she hurt me" I clenched my jaw at the last part.

I'm so fucked

"Lewis, I'm not leaving you alone, I want you to come, forget Lu, we're your friends" "plus I got you that motor bike you wanted, that damn expensive helmet too" he shrugs.

"I am not going Keith, final decision"

"Uh ah oh, finally, a vacation, come here mama bear" Ben opens his arms as soon as I step inside the jet.

Never mind, I'm fucking going

"Fuck off" I drop my bag on the seat and sit next to the other while Kiara walks inside the jet.

"Sign this shit" she mumbles holding papers and a pen.

"What is it?" I frown.

"The donations you agreed on, oh and the commercial coming up in January" I nod and sign the papers.

"You good?" I ask her tilting my head, she looks off

"I had a fight with Ria" she sighs and rolls her eyes, "but it's okay"

"Is it about the damn wedding too?" I chuckle and she smiles.

"She wants a small party, I want a big ass one" Kiara answers and I give her a 'wtf' look.

"Do a medium one" I shrug.

"Why did I agree to be your agent again?" She walks away and I laugh, "asshole"


"Oh for god's sake" I groan seeing paparazzi running after the car I'm in when I arrive in the Maldives.

"Mr Taylor! Here! What do you think about the rumors going on between you and Kiara?" "Do you think you'll be donating for the orphanage like every year?"

"Is it true that Luella Adams is your ex girlfriend?!"

Walking through the paps with the security besides me, I notice her

Fuck, 4 years

She looks fucking amazing, I'm so fucked.

I break my gaze away from her once the security takes me inside.


I haven't talked to her, not even a 'hi', did I mention the damn bedroom sharing?

"She looks so beautiful" I whisper gulping down my, I forgot how many shots, while Kiara stares at me with a smirk.

"You're so in love with her, try talking to her, maybe it'll work out this time since you two aren't in uni no more?"

"Her soft curls got a little longer, her skin looked soft as ever" I mumble shaking my head.

"Do you think she fucked anyone after me?" I question turning my head to Kiara.

"I don't know" Kiara chuckles but I shoot her a glare, "four years Lewis, you don't know"

"Have you?"

"Why you getting in my shit?" I squint my eyes ordering another drink at the bar.

"Nope, you're done for tonight, you're so drunk" Kiara helps me back to the beach house.

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