Chapter 26: "back to normal"

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•Luella's Point Of View•

I walk on the sand wearing shorts and a tank top, my curly hair sitting on my shoulders.

I make my way to the beautiful cave near the beach where my beautiful hot man stands waiting for me.

My smile widens as I reach him, Lewis didn't let me say hi, his body was quickly clinged to mine in a warm tight hug.

"Fuck, Ella" "I missed you" he whispers holding my thighs wrapping my legs around his torso.

Lewis walks back in the cave and sits down with me on his lap.

"What do you think of my plan?" I grin as he kisses every inch of my face.

"You're so fucking smart baby" he smiles pecking my lips a couple of times before talking.

"Are your parents still up your ass?" He asks and I sigh, "i think they're finally starting to get back to normal"

"What about you?"

"Pa's mental health is at it's worse right now, he's not over the death of mom, or uhm Louis"

"Louis?" I question, "I wasn't the only one abused" he whispers.

"Louis is 4 years older than my dad, he used to be really jealous of him, and how my dad got a lot of girls as a teenager"

"Louis's girlfriend was killed by some gang, my dad was dating my mom in high school"

"He was jealous that dad had a girlfriend and his was killed"

"He was pissed that he was happy"

"He started abusing my dad when he was 17" "my dad still has the scars carved in his skin" Lewis whispers stroking my hair as he talks.

"Grandpa forced dad to name me 'Louis' after my uncle, but he changed it after I was 10, that's why I hate when someone mistakens my name"

"He used to leave me at my uncle's house because he thought he changed, and he forgave him after gaining his trust back"

I nod now understanding everything.

"I don't forgive him for the beatings he gave me, but uhm, last night, he was sobbing on the floor begging me to forgive him"

"He hates himself because of what he did to me these past weeks" "and he says he'll never lay a finger on me ever again"

"Does he mean it?" I ask stroking Lewis's cheeks, "Yes, I know my dad when he's telling the truth"

"Okay that's good" I whisper and he nods, "he wants to fix things with your dad, but he doesn't know how"

"My dad has a stubborn head" "nothing will ever convince him"

"How are you feeling? Are you going to therapy?" Lewis kisses my jaw.

"I want to go, but, I don't know" I sigh, "I keep having nightmares, the blood, the toilet, you standing infront of me panicking"

"I wish I can help you, sleep next to you" he holds my cheeks.

"I missed you so much" "you don't understand" I whisper kissing his lips, Lewis deepens the kiss.

"Lay down" I point at the corner of the cave, no one can see us, it's a private side of the beach, and the rocks around the cave are covering us.

Lewis lays down with a satisfied smile on his lips.

I straddle his lap and start kissing his jaw, "you shaved" I whisper.

"Fuck, Ella" He squints his eyes shut, I hold the top of his shorts and slowly roll them down his legs.

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