Chapter 39: "Hugo"

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•Luella's Point Of View•

I slid on a hoodie and shorts since Lewis obviously doesn't want the internet to know he's been seen hanging out with his ex.

"Hey, you ready?" Lewis knocks on the bedroom's door, I unlock and open it.

"Hey" I give him a small smile, he smiles wearing glasses, a cap, and a hoodie on top of it.

"let's go" he mutes his phone and shoves it in his pocket before we walk downstairs passing Ben and Vena who are tanning outside with Josy.

Hazel and Keih got drunk and are passed out upstairs.

Typical them

"Mr Taylor!" Paparazzi start shouting once we leave the house, security surround us while we walk.

He tried hiding under the hoodie

"Is this Miss Luella Adams?" "Are you in a relationship with anyone?!" They continue asking some weird shit before we quickly get in a coffee shop.

"Sorry about that" Lewis sighs pulling a chair for me and I sit down while he sits infront of me.

I order 2 coffees for us, he still doesn't like ordering for himself.

"So uh" "how was uni?" Lewis takes off his glasses showing me his gray eyes.

"It was great, uh fun" I nod and he nods awkwardly, "what about you? How's life?"

Life? Seriously?

"It's busy, really busy" he chuckles, "i have a full schedule once I leave the maldives, it's crazy" he shakes his head.

Me and Lewis start chatting back and forth about Journalism and football, it's fun to finally be able to talk to him.

After 4 years.

My phone starts ringing on the table making me quickly mute it after seeing the contact's name.

"Who's Hugo?" Lewis frowns at my phone before his eyes travel to me.

"No one" I quickly shake my head, Lewis's face drops and my stomach twists.

"Cool" he nods clenching his jaw, "we should go back"

I nod about to pay but he beat me to it.

The walk back to the house was very awkward and quiet, all you could hear is our shoes hitting the ground as we walk.

Entering the house, Vena was throwing up in a bucket making Lewis frown.

"You okay?" He asks as Ben helps her up, "well uhm actually" Ben smiles putting his hands on her stomach.

"What?" Lewis asks before his mouth slightly opens, "fuck, you're pregnant?!"

"Yes" Vena sighs wiping her mouth, "oh damn, uh congratulations"

"No fucking way!" Hazel comes running squealing loudly waking up Keith who was sleeping on the couch with Josy.

"Yes now stop screaming" Vena rolls her eyes shoving her face in Ben's chest, "your pull out game is weaker than my grandma"

Ben glares down at her and I hear the doorbell ring.

I walk to the door and open it making my heart drop.

"Hugo!" I nervously smile at the tall muscular man with curly blonde hair and shining blue eyes.

"You're here!"

"Of course I'm here, can't miss the wedding" he smiles grabbing my waist pulling me in a hug.

I pull away and clear my throat, "uhm my friends are inside, wanna come?"

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