Two° Angels may exist

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Trust is hard to achieve between even little kids, so when a new student shows up at Yoongi's school, not everyone will be accepting of him.

"Welcome to Kang Tae High school, where you will be spending your last school year before graduating to college. Please introduce yourself." The principal smiles, gesturing for the student to speak.

Yoongi doesn't make the effort to lift his head or glance at this new boy. Instead, he keeps his head on the table, doing his best to make the airpods invisible with his hood on.

The kid clears his throat, putting on a genuine smile. "Hello, my name is Park Jimin. I'm almost eighteen years old. I have been living in the border, so don't worry. The only reason I switched schools was that my old one uhm... had lots of... bullying and stuff. But don't worry at all, I've been tested and I am human. Please take care of me."

Maybe Yoongi has his music volume on low, or maybe he is just paying attention to the boy's words. Because he doesn't know why, but he finds himself lifting his head up to see this intriguing boy. He looks at him as he bows, and after his head is back up, Yoongi almost gasps out loud.

How is someone that pretty? Yoongi has never seen such perfect features before that this moment feels surreal. The boy never once wipes the eye smile off his face, it's like he knows nothing other than smiling. His soft-looking slicked-back blonde hair perfectly fit his features. The length of it exactly matched his face shape. His chocolate eyes that shine every time the lights reflect on them. The full soft lips that look like they will pop any second.

And oh my god, he looks the same height as Yoongi.

If Yoongi doesn't know better, he'll say the boy wasn't a human. Because simply there can't be a human that beautiful. But then again, how can an android be so well-made?

The only word Yoongi thinks about to describe that gorgeous boy right before his eyes, is angel.

"Okay Jimin, you can sit..."

Please don't be me. Yoongi begged.

"There. The empty seat all the way back next to Dahyun?" The teacher points to the said place.

Yoongi sighs in relief. He is lucky after all, because the only empty seats are the one next to Dahyun and the one next to him, all the way in the front of the class next to the window.

"Oh, no. I can't see from that far."


"Oh, no worries. Then why don't you sit here, next to Yoongi? I'm sure he won't mind."

Jimin doesn't really know what she meant by "he won't mind" but he went with it. He looks at Yoongi for his opinion and Yoongi just slams his head back on the desk. Jimin looks confused, but he goes there anyway.

"Do you like sitting near the window?" Jimin asks. He doesn't really know where he's supposed to go sit, because right now, Yoongi was sitting in the middle. When he doesn't answer, Jimin taps his shoulder once, afraid to annoy him. Yoongi looks up and Jimin repeats what he said.

"Yeah." He answers, moving his stuff to his side of the desk, claiming the side next to the window. Jimin smiles and sits next to him, instantly pouring all his attention into what the teacher has to say.

"Okay, today we will be learning about chemical reactions."

For some reason, Yoongi thought the boy will immediately introduce himself because he kind of looks like the person who would do that, but Maybe he takes his studies seriously as Yoongi does. To be honest, he wants to learn about the boy more. He wants to befriend him. But he doesn't want to be the first one to talk, to ask. He sighs.

Maybe sitting next to the window isn't bad after all, he gets to look at Jimin all he wants without the younger noticing.

At least now he'll have an excuse as to why he isn't focusing in class.

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