Fourty eight° D-Day

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It is the eve of their last day of high school, and Jimin and Yoongi can't contain their excitement.

The air is buzzing with anticipation as they walk through the school hallways, exchanging high-fives and grinning from ear to ear. They have overcome countless assignments, exams, and late-night study sessions together, and now they were finally on the brink of a new chapter in their lives.

As they enter their classroom, their teacher, Mrs. Johnson, stands at the front, a warm smile stretching across her face. She has been their mentor for the past four years, guiding them through their academic journey. And now, she wants to take a moment to express her pride and love for her students.

"Good morning, everyone!" Mrs. Johnson's voice echoes through the room, instantly grabbing the attention of the students. Jimin and Yoongi take their seats near the front, anticipation building in their hearts.

"I can't believe it's the last day of high school," Mrs. Johnson begins, her voice filled with a mixture of nostalgia and excitement. "I've had the privilege of witnessing your growth, both as individuals and as a class. And let me tell you, it has been an incredible journey."

Jimin and Yoongi exchange glances, their smiles growing wider. They have been through so much together, supporting each other through tough times, celebrating victories, and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

"I have seen you face challenges head-on, not giving up even when the odds seemed against you," Mrs. Johnson continues, her eyes sweeping across the room. "You've shown resilience, determination, and a hunger for knowledge that has been truly inspiring."

Jimin and Yoongi can't help but blush as she singles them out, sharing anecdotes from their time in her class. They were always known for their high grades and naturally unserious personalities.

"You two, Jimin and Yoongi, have become pivotal figures in this class," Mrs. Johnson says, her voice filled with pride. "Your friendship and support for each other have been remarkable. Yoongi, you were a great at resembling our school and guiding Jimin through your last high school year. And despite being a new student, you two showed a perfect image of acceptance and teamwork. I want you to carry that spirit with you as you embark on your college journey."

Jimin and Yoongi feel a surge of gratitude and happiness, knowing that their bond had made such an impact on their teacher. They have come a long way from being nervous first-year students, unsure of what lay ahead.

Mrs. Johnson's speech continues, filled with heartfelt advice and remembrances of their time together, addressing all the students and their amazing work throughout the year. She expresses how much she will miss each and every one of them and how proud she is of their accomplishments.

As the bell rings, signaling the end of the emotional speech, the classroom erupts into applause. Jimin and Yoongi join in, their hearts full of nostalgia, excitement, and a hint of sadness. Tomorrow will mark the beginning of a new chapter, but they know that the memories they have created in the short period in high school will always hold a special place in their hearts.

Walking out of the classroom, arm in arm, Jimin turns to his friend and says, "Yoongi, can you believe it? We did it! High school is finally over!"

Yoongi grins, his eyes shining with happiness. "Yeah, Jimin. We made it. And now, it's time to chase our dreams in college."

With that, they walk out of the school, ready to embrace the endless possibilities that awaited them.

Tomorrow will be their graduation. A fun day the school has prepared for their students. This is the very end, nothing can go wrong, right?

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