Thirty seven° Start

31 3 14

"I don't understand."

"What exactly don't you understand?" Jimin chuckles as they enter the school together.

"The school hasn't said anything about... You know who. Like how are not aware of three of the student's deaths?" Yoongi frowns in confusion.

"They know. They're hiding it. Sejung's stepdad, a famous businessman who cares about his family's image, paid the school to keep it a secret. He's covering it up by saying Sejung and his friends flew on a vacation outside of South Korea." Jimin informs.

Yoongi frowns even more. "Wait, how-how did you know that? I didn't even know Sejung has a stepdad and he was my best friend. How did you get this information?"

"I... Don't know." Jimin truthfully answers, visibly shrugging off the conversation.

Yoongi stays shocked for a few more minutes before catching up with Jimin again.

"So non of the students know?"

"Only two." Jimin gestures between the two of them.

Before Yoongi can say anything else, the bell rings, gesturing to the beginning of the school day.

"Right on time," Jimin mumbles with a smile, then turns to face the teacher after setting his bag next to him on the desk.

Yoongi wonders how Jimin can act like nothing happened, but forgets it after, attempting to focus on the teacher.

"So as you all know, your mock exams are next week." The teacher starts.

Yoongi mentally facepalms. He completely forgot about his mock tests. He's been caught up with Jimin's situation for too long that he actually didn't study.

He stops listening to the teacher after hearing the important part, instead, thinking about how he'll spend the next week studying like he hasn't before.


The two boys finish their classes and instantly meet at their usual lunch table when the lunch period starts.

Jimin assures an anxious-looking Yoongi with a smile. Yoongi smiles too, trying to conceal his concern.

"Here she comes," Jimin says through gritted teeth with a smile, looking directly at a girl practically hopping to their table.

Yoongi fights the urge to punch her or let his bitchy face slip, just for this plan's sake.

For Jimin's sake.

Even though he wants nothing more than to pick her up, and throw her across the room, acknowledging the fact that she's a girl.

But he stays silent as he watches Jimin giggle with the devil herself.

He can't help but scoff or snort every time Jimin laughs when she says something obviously not funny.

Jimin's laughs and giggles are too fake, Yoongi knows.

He finds it funny how Dahyun thinks she can actually make Jimin laugh even once.

He's the only one that brings out the best in Jimin. And even though the younger wasn't laughing wholeheartedly, he still felt jealous.

Or more like, he felt the urge to show Dahyun how a real laugh from Jimin sounds. Show her what she's missing.

"Hey Jimin," Yoongi speaks.

As if that's a sign to show his existence, Dahyun finally turns her head towards him, along with the said boy.

"What did the grape say when it got crushed?" Yoongi asks with a smirk, already imagining Jimin's reaction to his pun.

Jimin sits his finger on his chin, thinking. "Hmm, 'I'm raisin'?" He guesses.

"Eh, nothing, it just let out a little wine." Yoongi leans back with a satisfied grin, watching Jimin burst into laughter at how stupid the joke was.

The brunette notices how Dahyun's face scrunches in confusion, probably wondering how can Jimin laugh at something so stupid.

Meanwhile, Yoongi knows she'll never get their inside jokes.

"Oh.. oh my god!" Jimin says, his hand clutching his stomach, wiping away his fake tears with the other one.

He sits back up straight and turns to Dahyun again, finally noticing the thick air between the two.

Yoongi has his eyes closed, a smudgy smirk on his face as Dahyun digs daggers into him. Her eyes were fierce as she stared the brunette down.

"Sorry, Dahyun. You were saying?" Jimin cat he's her attention.

Suddenly, her expression changes. A very obvious fake pout is plastered on her lips as she slowly rubs her hand against her neck, letting out a soft whine.

Jimin knowing damn well she's faking everything, plays along and puts on a concerned look. "What's wrong?!"

Even Yoongi's eyes slightly widen at how real Jimin's concerned tone sounds. Nonetheless, he prepares for whatever bullshit Dahyun has to say.

"I-it nothing." She says, letting out a soft breath as she stared directly into Yoongi's eyes with hers hooded.

"What happened? Are you in pain?" Jimin scoots closer to her, his hand over her own.

"It hurts..."

Jimin gets impatient with her nonuseful answers. However, he didn't give up.

"I'm scared... Of Yoongi." She finally says, hands still caressing her own neck.


"H-he hurt me the other day."

Jimin gasps, looking at Yoongi before turning to Dahyun once again. "What happened? Why did he do that?"

"He held me by my neck, and I was about to die." She sniffs, obviously no tears coming out though.

After some fake dirty looks given to Yoongi from Jimin, and a few hugs and smiles to Dahyun, the girl smiles again.

"Thank you, Jimin. You're the best." She extends her hands for another hug.

Jimin ignores her action and simply smiles back. "Don't mention it. And if you still feel uncomfortable around him, we can sit alone."

"That would be great." Her face lights up.

"Uh, hello? I'm right here?" Yoongi frowns, waving his hand to prove his existence. "At least say it behind my back." He tsks before getting the hint and standing up, leaving his untouched food tray and going on a hunt to find an empty lunch table.

"Thank you so much, Jimin! I feel way better." She says in a fake high pitch, making Jimin cringe.

"Of course, I'll always be there for you."

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