Thirteen° Black and blue

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More and more androids are murdering more and more humans. They're slowly taking over. At this point, citizens are waiting for a miracle that could save them. Like what happens in movies, a superhero to rescue them, a rebel to stand up for these robots, or in their case... an idea of a scientist that could save them from this misery.

Jimin wasn't meant to see what he did, Yoongi knows it. But he saw it anyway, and Yoongi didn't want to tell him about it just yet.

Maybe he wasn't planning to at all.

"Are there more?" Jimin asks once they sit down behind a bookshelf in the corner of the library.


"Are there more secrets? Are there other things I'll be finding out about on accident? Aren't we friends, Yoongi?"

"We are."

"Then tell me. Tell me everything."

Yoongi isn't trying to hide everything from Jimin. It just happened that he forgot to tell him about Sejung and his gang.

Maybe he was too happy with Jimin the last couple of days that he forgot how he doesn't deserve any of this.

Yoongi doesn't deserve to be happy. He doesn't deserve to be acknowledged by kind people like Jimin. He doesn't deserve the love he was getting.

Yoongi doesn't deserve Jimin's concern. He doesn't deserve Jimin's sympathy. He doesn't deserve Jimin's help.

Yoongi is simply an extra character in this world. A character that just exists so everyone's story continues.

Yoongi is an extra character in Sejung's story. While Sejung's the main character, Yoongi is just there so girls can fall head over heels for Sejung and his courage.

Yoongi is an extra character in his mom and dad's life. While they're the main characters, he is just there to empathize their kindness and so people passing by will talk about them and how generous they are to take in two orphans.

Yoongi is an extra character in his brother's story. While Geumjae is the main character, Yoongi is just there so his older brother can inspire someone and give out examples.

Yoongi is an extra character in Jimin's story. However, he didn't quite figure out how yet, or what's his role.

Never once is he a main character even in his story. Does he even have a story?

What is so intriguing about a boy who has no friends, no biological parents, gets bullied, is anorexic, and used to dig a knife in his hand every other day?

Now that he's recalling all of that, why was Jimin even still talking to him?

Does Jimin just want his extra character to show up earlier this time?

Yoongi can't help but think he's just like the others. Will Jimin suck all the energy and love out of him and leave him only to come back as a completely different person like Sejung did?

Oh, Yoongi loved Sejung.

They were best friends.

Geumjae always told him to stay away from him, but Yoongi never listened.

Turns out Sejung only wanted him for his money. Once he got Yoongi to buy him all he needed, he found himself a girlfriend and suddenly got distant from Yoongi.

Yoongi had wished he would come back, and when his wish was granted, he wanted nothing more than it to go back.

Because Sejung was a completely different person when he came back.

But Yoongi has nothing now, no family, no friends, and not even money. So what does Jimin want from him?

What would a perfect angel like Jimin possibly want from a pathetic human like Yoongi?

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