Twenty nine° Sour (FB)

22 2 4

The hardest truth Mijeong had to accept is the fact that she sold her son for some cash.

Injeong knew their financial issues and gladly offered money for taking Jimin in for experiments, in exchange, Mijeong will live knowing her son is alive somewhere and in great health.

She had to choose between giving him his rest and acknowledging the fact that he indeed will die, or selling him to a scientist so he can rebuild him and have him alive again.

But at what cost?

Living without knowing anything about his actual parents and with no memory of his life.

Injeong forbid her from talking to Jimin or telling him about his life if this experiment goes well. He claimed it was for the sake of his happiness.

And Mijeong agreed.

Jimin cannot know anything about his life before this experiment and his new self.

She sacrificed her happiness just to know that Jimin will keep his.

It took her a lot of thinking. Injeong seemed insistent about having Jimin. He said it will help him a lot and claimed it was the better for Jimin.

Mijeong only agreed because she decided that Jimin's existence will make her relieved, whether he was a robot or a human.

She thinks she did the right thing, but what is really the best for him?


Injeong is aware of the fact that a few of the newly made robots have gone hostile and are going completely against their purpose of making this world a better place.

What if Jimin can change that? What if Jimin can save the world and start a new generation, creating peace between the two species; humans and robots?

Injeong has so many dreams regarding Jimin. Though he's already exhausted.

"Gyuri! You can't wait for this as well?!" Injeong smiles, suddenly forgetting all his exhaustion when his dog hops towards him, barking expectantly at him.

"Who's a good girl?" He ruffles her as she tries to lick his hand.

Suddenly interested in Jimin, she jumps on the bed he lays lifelessly in it, sniffing and licking all over him.

Injeong sighs, this whole project hitting him suddenly. He really wants this to work.

It's the year 3014. He has been working on P95 for the past two years. Mijeong used to call almost every day to check on her boy, but now she only checks every now and then.

Though Injeong brought to her the news that they'll have to lessen their calls even more when experiment P95 is finished if not completely cut off contact.

Throughout the last two years, Injeong managed to replace the injured and bruised parts of Jimin's body with mechanical ones.

That included his broken arm and leg, parts of his heart and brain, some organs, and just minor flaws on his skin that might've caused errors if not replaced.

The amazing news of replacing Jimin's flawed parts with identical mechanical ones was heard by Mijeong. She couldn't thank Injeong enough then. He even sent her a picture.

For her, it was a relief his face didn't change at all.

When Jimin got into the car accident, she couldn't see his face. It was covered with blood and bruises. She had feared not being able to see his angelic face again.

Jimin is just naturally beautiful.

Though he looked way older than the twelve-year-old Jimin she last saw. Two years really changed him.

She can't believe he's fourteen now.

Part of her heart hurts that she was not with him during his teenage years. She just hopes he'll be happy as a new... well, robot.

Injeong tells her that he may be ready by next year.

As much as the awaiting moment makes Mijeong excited, she remembers that Injeong told her that she will hav no contact with him or Jimin by then.

The scientist still needs to add a purpose to Jimin and some backing data. He also needs to install a few memories so the robot doesn't feel helpless without any information or purpose in this life.

More things he needs to achieve in P95 are programmed movements that will allow him to move in certain directions or sequences, artificial intelligence to enable him to process information and to learn; electronic sensors that allow him to receive information about his surroundings and choose actions based on that information.

Jimin will be one smart, pretty, extraordinary robot.


"Are you okay?" Injeong asks as he sees the frown on Jimin's face.

"I almost died, my parents sold me to a crazy scientist to keep me alive, no offense, I will most likely die soon too, and I have no memory of what happened in the past. How can I smile?"

Injeong sighs. "Jimin, if you really think about it, your parents only wanted to make you happy."

Silence follows for a few more seconds until Jimin breaks it.

"How many sessions do we have left?"

"I don't know. But we have to be ready no matter what for the day they will be testing you to prove you are no harm. I'm expecting no errors. You're getting the hang of it. You already know that you are a hero that will save this world, you will never hurt anyone, right?"

"Hm.. this is already our fourth session. You said you would untie me when you trust me. Don't you think I'm safe enough by now?"

"You're right. P95, I trust you. I can untie you without feeling scared that you'll leave. I believe you are my most successful experiment. Nothing will go wrong as long as you be one with yourself."

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