Fourty four° Confrontation

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"This is Yoongi hyung. He's... A very close friend of mine."

Jimin watches as his parents exchange words with an anxious looking Yoongi. He fights the urge to laugh.

For some reason, Jimin doesn't feel any emotion at the moment. Exept happiness when looking at Yoongi.

He thought he'll be happy after the reunion with his parents, but somehow he doesn't feel as happy and warm as he should.

"Jimin, dear, do you remember Jeongyeon?"

The name rings a bell, Jimin suddenly familiar with the name. "My sister."

The parents look rather surprised. They didn't expect him to remember her.

Ever since Jeongyeon watched her own brother get into an accident when she couldn't do anything about it, she's been blaming herself for it.

It took some time for her to forget the incident, but it definitely changed her.

"Do you want to see her?" His mom slightly whispers. Jimin nods, allowing his parents to call her name. "Jeongyeon! Can you come here for a second?!" It took them a second to hear footsteps.

Jeongyeon's heart races as she stands in the doorway, staring at her younger brother Jimin who she hasn't seen in years. It has been her fault; her mistake that led to his accident. She always feared she would never get the chance to see him again, but here he was, standing in their childhood home.

Her parents had made the difficult decision to sell Jimin to a scientist, hoping that they could fix him and give him a better life. It was a choice born out of desperation, but Jeongyeon couldn't help but feel responsible for the outcome. Jimin had become a robot, and she was filled with guilt and self-hatred.

As she watches Jimin interact with their parents, a mixture of relief and fear washes over Jeongyeon. Relief that he is safe and seems content, but fear that he will reject her or harbor resentment for the accident. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself before stepping forward.

"Jimin," she calls, her voice laced with apprehension. "It's me, Jeongyeon."

Jimin turns his head, his dark eyes meeting hers. There is a flicker of recognition in his gaze, and Jeongyeon's heart leaps. She steps closer, her legs trembling.

"I'm so sorry, J-Jimin," she whispers, tears welling up in her eyes. "I never meant for any of this to happen. I never wanted you to become... like this." She never thought she'd have the chance to say his name ever again, yet look him in the eye.

Jimin reaches out a hand, his fingers gently brushing against Jeongyeon's cheek. The cold sensation sends shivers down her spine, but she doesn't flinch. Instead, a mixture of emotions overwhelms  her; love, regret, and the lingering weight of guilt.

Jeongyeon struggles to hold back her tears as she continues, her voice barely above a whisper. "I hate myself for what I did, for what I couldn't prevent. I should have protected you, Jimin. I should have been there for you."

Jimin's expression softens, and although his features lack the warmth they once held, Jeongyeon saw a glimpse of her brother's soul behind the metal exterior. It was a reminder that he is still Jimin, no matter the physical changes.

"I forgive you," Jimin replies, his robot voice echoing through the room. "It wasn't your fault, Jeongyeon. It was an accident. I don't blame you."

Those words, filled with forgiveness and understanding, are like a balm to Jeongyeon's wounded heart. She realizes that Jimin still cherishes their bond, despite everything they have been through.

Jeongyeon reaches out, wrapping her arms around Jimin's frame. He embraces her back, and together they hold onto each other, their connection reaffirmed.

Jimin can swear he saw Yoongi smiling with the corner of his eye.

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