Eighteen° Theif

28 2 0

"I like your friend,"

"Like I care about your opinion."

"Shut it, punk. You know I'm doing this for you. Jimin is in a similar condition to you. I don't think it will be so bad if you too are friends."

"What do you mean? Are you doing this just because you pity him?"

"What? No! I'm just saying he's going through a hard time too. It wouldn't be logical if he hurts you."

"I don't care. Even if he wasn't going through a hard time, I would---"

Jimin stops listening then. He sighs, walking back to Yoongi's room.

The reason he went to find Yoongi in the first place was to ask him about pajamas he can borrow.

But he turns on his heels and closes the door behind himself, no emotion whatsoever about what he just heard.


Yoongi blinks a few times to get used to the bright light of the sun. After wondering what woke him up, it takes him a bit to realize his alarm is ringing.

He looks around to see no one on the couch next to him. Geumjae must've woken up.

Standing up, Yoongi stretches with a long yawn, taking the chance to look around again.

There Jimin stands in the kitchen, drinking some juice while humming some lyrics that play in his mind.

Yoongi frowns when he doesn't see his mom awake standing in the kitchen instead of Jimin. She's usually awake at that time, cooking breakfast for herself and Geumjae.

"Where's Mom?" Yoongi asks in his hoarse morning voice. He cringes at how he sounded and Jimin laughs.

"I told her to rest for a bit. Me and the others made our own food." Jimin informs, placing the empty cup in the sink.

"Is she sleeping?"

"No. She's probably in her room or something. Geumjae went to work and the others left earlier."

Yoongi hums. "You're such an early bird."

"I guess I am." Jimin shrugs, making his way to the living room to watch some TV. "Get ready. We should leave for school soon." He tells.

Yoongi checks him out. He's already wearing the school uniform, his hair is neatly combed, and Yoongi can tell a little bit of makeup is put on his face, though, with little to no effort.

Damn, Jimin's really an early bird.

Yoongi turns on his heels and makes his way to his room, locking the door as he enters.

He gets dressed rather quickly and runs a hand through his hair, rather than brushing it or putting effort into styling it.

Once he's done with his routine, he cleans up his messy bag.

He throws all his books in the black bag, a water bottle, and airpods following them. He doesn't forget his pens and of course, his pills.


Where are his pills?

The nightstand looks oddly empty. His pills are missing. He frowns, reminding himself not to panic.

Searching the drawers and all his bags, he finally starts to panic when there's no sign of his medication.

"Fuck, where are they?" He mumbles to himself as he scans the room one last time before sprinting to his Mom's room.

Jimin catches a glimpse of a running Yoongi before disappearing between hallways.

"Iseul!" Yoongi calls even before entering her room.

Yoongi's mom frowns at the way he chose to call her. She knows this is serious.

"Yes, darling?" She answers when he's standing in the doorway.

"Did you take anything from my room?" Yoongi asked hurriedly.

"Can you be more specific, Yoongi?"

"My meds, Mom. My pills." He impatiently yells.

"No, I didn't take them. Have you searched--"

"I looked everywhere. They're not anywhere. Why wouldn't they be in their place? Unless someone took them..."

"Are you implying I took them?" She unbelievably scoffs.

"Would they just walk away from me? And I know how much you want me to stop them."

"Yoongi... No matter how much I feel the need to make you stop, I would never bring myself to take them from you and make you mad." She says in a soft voice and a hurt tone.

Yoongi obviously believes her. He feels guilty for blaming her, let alone thinking she might've even taken it. "I'm sorry." She doesn't answer.

"You're only taking Diethylpropion, right?"

Yoongi stays silent, and that makes Iseul press her lips into a thin line.


"Yes, Mom. I stopped buying Sibutramine. I don't have any of it. Don't worry."


Jimin bites his lip as the conversation plays in his head.

"Yes, Mom. I stopped buying Sibutramine. I don't have any of it. Don't worry."

Jimin knows Yoongi's lying, he saw them the other day. A shit ton of them, even.

He quietly tippy toes all the way to the door. Throwing his bag pack on his shoulder before quickly leaving the small house.

He sighs as he types a quick message to Yoongi.


Yoongi lets out a breath when his Mom smiles.

"Thank you for not taking them, Yoongi. And I'm sure you'll find your pills."

Yoongi nods at her before making his way to his room once again. He feels guilty for lying, he feels horrible for not telling his mom the truth.

He feels his body temperature go warm, then warmer, then hot. His body is sweatier than ever. And he's having a panic attack.

He knows how much he hates talking about his meds.

He tries to balance his breath as he rushes to his own bathroom.

He leans over the sink and throws his head back, trying everything to feel the air.

Closing his mouth, he takes a deep breath from his nose and lets it out after a few seconds from his mouth.

Feeling a bit better, he opens his eyes, which he definitely doesn't remember closing, and relaxes his tensed body.

His head finally falls down, bringing his eyes to the sink.

Everything goes in slow motion as his eyes widen at the sight before him.

All his pills are drowned in water as they overfill the sink.

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